Sunday, May 11, 2014

Workout Recap - Week 19

Sunday, May 4th – OC Half Marathon, 1 minute plank, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Monday, May 5th –  4 mile run, 1 minute plank, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Tuesday, May 6th –  3 mile HILL run, 1 minute plank, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Wednesday, May 7th –  4 mile run, 1 minute plank, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Thursday, May 8th – 8 mile run, 1 minute plank, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Friday, May 9th – "Rest day" (worked a party from 7:30am until 12:30am) & 1 minute plank

Saturday, May 10th – 10 mile bike ride with the hubby, 1 minute plank, Foam Rolled & Stretched

There are sky divers that jump right next to the bike trail we ride on

As you can tell from the length of my runs, I have officially entered into TAPER TIME. I have been keeping myself extremely busy though (not necessarily on purpose) so I haven't had any "taper tantrums". We will be heading out for my marathon on Thursday (the race itself is on Sunday), so I am sure this week will also be pretty hectic, which hopefully will keep away the mental craziness of the taper ("should I be doing more?", "maybe I need to do one more long run before the race", "will I be able to finish?", etc). 

One last Workout Recap post before my first full marathon... EEKS! Can you believe it came so quickly?! I sure can't! 

How were your workouts this past week? 


Unknown said...

I can't wait for your RACE!!!

Heather said...

I'm excited to hear how your first marathon goes! I'm sure you will rock those 26.2 miles! You've put in the training, so go out and have fun :)