Thursday, May 31, 2007
“Filling cargo ships with water and sending it hundreds and thousands of miles to get it around the world seems ridiculous,” Mr. Bastianich said. “With all the other things we do for sustainability, it makes sense.”
A Win For PETA
A research associate at PETA, Shalin G. Gala, said, “We see these statements from Coke and Pepsi, massive global conglomerates, as the beginning of the end of all animal tests on food.”
Hopefully with big companies getting behind banning animal testing everyone else will fall into place (but don't worry I don't think it will happen over night, I am not that big of an optimist). Way to go PETA and way to go Pepsi and Coke!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monthly High
Grandma V

The Woodsman
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Always thinking ahead
A Prayer


On opening his new store, a man received a bouquet of flowers. He became dismayed on reading the enclosed card, that it expressed "Deepest Sympathy".
While puzzling over the message, his telephone rang. It was the florist, apologizing for having sent the wrong card. "Oh, it's alright." said the storekeeper. "I'm a businessman and I understand how these things can happen." "But," added the florist, "I accidentally sent your card to a funeral party."
"Well, what did it say?" ask the storekeeper. "'Congratulations on your new location'." was the reply.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Who is working?!
160 million are retired.
That leaves 140 million to do the work.
There are 85 million in school.
Which leaves 55 million to do the work.
Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government.
Leaving 15 million to do the work.
2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden.
Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work.
Take from that total the 10.8 million people who work for state and city governments.
And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.
At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.
Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.
Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.
That leaves just two people to do the work.
You and me.
And there you are, sitting around and reading jokes!
Maxiell Stepped it UP!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Countdown
Don't worry, we know we're HOT! :)
The Hills

Oldies but GOODIES!
(1-800-373-3411). Just wanted to pass along the info, cause you know I love a bargain (or free things :) ).
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Sad Truth
Here is a small portion of the article, check out the rest if you get a chance:
"The increase in mental health problems at UC is part of a national trend arising from the growing stress of university life and the growing number of students who arrive at college already under treatment for mental illness, university psychologists and officials say.
Advances in drug treatment mean that many students with psychological disorders who could not have coped with campus life a generation ago now go on to college.",0,6779102,full.story?coll=la-home-local
Good try.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Life Quote
Win or Go Home
Jet lag?
Argentinian researchers have rather unaccountably discovered that Viagra helps ameliorate the effects of "jet lag" in hamsters, and might do the same for humans.
According to New Scientist, hamsters who were favoured with small doses of sildenafil, punted as Viagra, coped better with a simulated six-hour time-zone shift than their non-chemical-hardened chums - adapting to the jet lag up to 50 per cent faster.
THANKGOODNESS! Thank you Argentinian researchers for looking into further uses for this 'magic pill'. Ha.
The Guy Rules
Game 1
Monday, May 21, 2007
Birch Aquarium
Ryan and I after checking out the feeding:

Friday, May 18, 2007

Elderly Ailments
At a nursing home a group of seniors were sitting around talking about all their ailments. "My arms have gotten so weak I can hardly lift this cup of coffee," said one.
"Yes, I know," said another. "My cataracts are so bad I can't even see my coffee."
"I couldn't even mark an 'X' at election time, my hands are so crippled," volunteered a third.
"What? Speak up! What? I can't hear you! said a fourth.
"I can't turn my head because of the arthritis in my neck," said a fifth, to which several nodded weakly in agreement.
"My blood pressure pills make me so dizzy I can hardly walk!" exclaimed another.
"I forget where I am, and where I'm going," said an elderly gent.
"I guess that's the price we pay for getting old," winced an old man as he slowly shook his head. The others nodded in agreement.
"Well, count your blessings," said one woman cheerfully, "thankfully, we can all still drive."

Down 48-43 at halftime, the Pistons outscored the Bulls 31-21 in the third quarter to take a 74-69 lead, and Chicago could not sustain any momentum in the fourth.
Rasheed Wallace had 16 points and 13 rebounds for Detroit, while Tayshaun Prince added 17 points and nine rebounds. Chauncey Billups was just 3for12 from the field but he scored 11 of his 21 points in the third quarter. A jumper by Wallace, who had received a technical foul just over a minute earlier, and a hook shot by Prince made it 85-73 with 2:20 left, and Detroit hung on from there.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Ruth's House
"Grace A. McClelland, who runs Ruth’s House, said it had a three-month waiting list for its 10-bed shelter, which opened in August. The shelter is named after Ruth Ellis, an African-American lesbian who in the 1930s opened her house in the same neighborhood to gay African-American teenagers. With a staff of seven, it provides school placement, psychological and family counseling and job training. The shelter is financed with private and federal money."
Read the rest of the story here:
Oldest Bowler

Yay! I hope that I make it to 106 years old and can still bowl! This is a cute little story about the oldest man that has been recording bowling.
"Hargrove lost most of his sight with the passage of time, but his love of bowling never waned. He took up the sport in 1924 and remains passionate about every throw.
A few months ago, one of Hargrove's good friends asked him, "What is your goal in life?""I know that really seems like a dumb question to be asking a 105-year-old," said Tom Smith, who bowls with Hargrove in another league closer to his north Georgia home. "But he told me, 'I want to be 106, so when I throw that first ball I'll be the oldest sanctioned bowler ever.' He really wanted to set the record. And he did it.""
May Gray, June Gloom

Melting Pot


As part of her prize package, Jaslene was awarded a modeling contract with Elite Model Management, a $100,000 contract with Cover Girl Cosmetics, and a six-page spread and cover photo in Seventeen Magazine.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
New Life Church
New Life Church // A2 Project Update
May 16th, 2007
Dear Friends,
We have some excellent news to pass along to you. Just this morning, we received word that the City of Ann Arbor has passed us on all of our final inspections. This means that we are now completely cleared to use our facility. The last three months we have been operating on a temporary certificate of occupancy (that was set to expire yesterday, 5/15/07). But now that we've passed all our inspections, the City will issue us a final (non-temporary) certificate. This is huge news as it officially marks the completion of construction for our new facility.
The second big item is that we also just received a signed consent judgment from the City of Ann Arbor attorney's office (last week). Most of you are probably aware that we have been engaged in a second major battle with the City of Ann Arbor with regard to our application for property tax exemption. Technically, we are fully qualified for property tax exemption in the City of Ann Arbor, but our application for that status the last several years has been consistently rejected with no apparent legal footing. So we initiated a second lawsuit with the City of Ann Arbor and this consent judgment means that we have now been granted our property tax exemption. The City will also pay us back for our taxes paid in 2006 plus interest, so we're expecting a check from the City for about $35,000 any day now. Without that exemption, we were guessing we might have had to pay something closer to $60-80k this tax year (not to mention future years). As you can imagine, we were absolutely thrilled to receive this bit of news in the mail!
Lastly, we'd like to ask for your prayers. We have a sister church in Blacksburg, Virginia, where 32 people were killed in what is being titled the deadliest shooting in recent U.S. history. At this point, we believe that at least two (possibly three) of the students who were killed attended our sister church (New Life Campus Fellowship, NLCF). And many of the other victims were connected with members of the church in one way or another. We would love it if you could join is in praying for the victims and their families. We're also asking for pray for NLCF, it's pastors, it's staff and it's members as they continue to minister to a grieving campus and as they grieve themselves.
We've been struck with the fact that the University of Michigan isn't much different than Virginia Tech. It's not hard to believe that this kind of thing could have happened at a place like the University of Michigan, instead. So we'd also love your prayers for God's protection against anything like this occurring again!
We don't always have the privilege of seeing God's hand move so clearly in life, but it is certainly exciting to witness when we can see God move. We hope you'll join us in thanking Him for these tremendous blessings. We live in a fallen world, and tragedies like what occurred at Virginia Tech last month only serve to support that there is still plenty of work for us to do in expanding God's Kingdom.
Thank you for your prayers and your partnership in this great endeavor!
Joel VanderSchel on behalf of Steve Hayes
Pizza & Beer

Job Idea

Postal Service

Only Women
10. Why it's good to have five pairs of black shoes.
9. The difference between cream, ivory, and off white.
8. Crying can be fun.
7. Fat clothes.
6. A salad, diet drink, and a hot fudge sundae make a balanced lunch.
5. Discovering a designer dress on the clearance rack can be considered a peak life experience.
4. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale ever made.
3. A good man might be hard to find, but a good hairdresser is next to impossible.
2. Why a phone call between two women never lasts under ten minutes.
1. Other women!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Urination Station

Sad Day

Luke's thoughtfulness brings out an unexpected reaction from Lorelai (Lauren Graham). Finally, on the morning that Rory leaves Stars Hollow to start her career, Luke opens the diner before dawn to share a celebratory breakfast with the Gilmore girls.
Good Luck!

P.S. There is some pay back from stealing my camera and taking photos...
Monday, May 14, 2007

Hercules: The biggest Dog Ever According to Guinness World Records. Hercules was recently awarded the honorable distinction of worlds Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. Hercules is an English Mastiff and has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds. With " paws the size of Softballs" (reports the Boston Herald), the three-year-old monster is far larger and heavier than his breed's standard 200lb limit. Hercules' owner Mr. Flynn says that Hercules weight is natural and not induced by a bizarre diet: "I fed him normal food and he just grew"... and grew. and grew.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Joshua = Rock star!

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
Whereas, Fibromyalgia is a disease with uncertain cause and no known cure; and,
Whereas, This chronic condition affects an estimated seven to ten million men, women, and children in the United States and many more millions of people worldwide; and,
Whereas, Fibromyalgia is a very serious and chronic illness, increasing at dramatic rates, causing those affected to suffer with fatigue and debilitating pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the body; and
Whereas, People living with this condition have to learn to live with difficulty in performing everyday activities such as climbing stairs, lifting weight, and many other actions involving physical strain in addition to widespread pain in muscles, joints, and ligaments; and
Whereas, Public awareness is important in order for patients to be able to receive proper diagnosis and treatment and will also help eliminate the myths, improve patient support, and encourage research; and now therefore be it,
Resolved, That I, Jennifer M. Granholm, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby proclaim May 12, 2007, as Fibromyalgia Awareness Day in Michigan. I encourage all citizens to support those seeking a cure and to assist those individuals and families who deal with this devastating disease on a daily basis.