... my fall goal race... the one I had been working towards for months.
But before we jump to the finish line, we should probably do a quick recap of how we got there.
I officially started training for
Ventura in July. I had been asked to be a
Lexus LaceUp Running Series ambassador and noticed the
Ventura event offered a full marathon (the others three events only went up to the half marathon distance). Not only did I see the marathon distance was an option, I saw it was touted as a fast course with PR and BQ potential. Although I've decided that I don't plan to return to the Boston Marathon for the time being {you can read all about that decision
HERE if you haven't yet}, that doesn't mean I want to hang up my goals of faster times all together. Well,
who can pass up a free race entry to a fast course with plenty of time to train?! Probably a lot folks, but I'm definitely not one of them
so I registered!
My 16 week training plan officially started as of July 1st, but I already had a decent base to build from. |
Training went well. I got in all of my runs, surprised myself by hitting some of my track workouts that I never thought were possible, stayed healthy, etc. In case you have never trained for a fall marathon (or had someone in your life that has), let me just tell you that summer running can be brutal! And SoCal had a long stint of hot and humid days to contend with. But, like '
they' say, "fall PRs are made in the summer" (or at least that's what I would tell myself when the going got tough and I had to get running). I was hoping the harder conditions were helping me to become a stronger runner that I would be able to cash in on come race day (when, God willing, the conditions would be much more favorable for running).
And, then, for
the dreaded taper the hubby and I were lucky enough
to head to Kauai for a 9 day vacation with friends! If you ever need a great way to take your mind off your lack of running, an island vacation is exactly what I'd suggest!
When race day finally came around I felt prepared both physically and mentally. (Okay, so maybe I was slightly nervous because I felt like I didn't have adequate "freak out" time because we were off enjoy ourselves in Hawaii, but my mind felt refreshed, so that had to count for something,
I had my goals all laid out and I was ready to tackle the race.
For "goal" races (ones that I am running with a specific time in mind) I normally have multiple goals - that way in case I don't hit one I still
have something to work towards rather than throwing the race out the window if I see one time slip out of grasp. This race was no different. |
Normally I would've been content driving to the race on the morning of the event (especially because they offer race day bib pick-up {one of the many amazing things I love about this series}), but since the hubby bit the bullet and also registered for the marathon, he wanted to stay in a hotel the night before... so we splurged (I don't know if you'd call a
Motel 6 "
splurging", but it was more money than staying in our own bed...). Without traffic it'd take a little over two hours to drive the 150 miles, but seeing as we would be driving on a Saturday we knew traffic
HAD to be considered... The game plan was to watch the
Michigan football game (#priorities) and then hopefully hit the road around 12:30pm. Well, Mother Nature decided to throw a wrench in that plan because the football game had a 90ish minute weather delay so we ended up not leaving until closer to 1:15pm (and had to listen to the fourth quarter on the radio). Traffic was sucktastic (as it
ALWAYS is in Los Angeles no matter the day or time) and it ended up taking us
FOUR HOURS to get to the expo.
Traffic makes us sad... and hungry... |
Thankfully we were able to arrive about 30 minutes before the expo officially closed so we could grab our bibs and goodies before heading to grab
a pizza (because
CARB LOADING!) and check into our hotel for the night.
Because most of the vendors were preparing to "close up shop" already, everything was pretty empty
and torn down when we got there... hence the lack of "expo" pictures for the blog... |
While chowing down on
our pizza we watched Purdue whomp on OSU and we couldn't have cheered louder! (Michigan won, Michigan State lost, Ohio State lost and Notre Dame didn't win - so it was an
AWESOME football Saturday ;))
Apparently the TV is more important than taking a picture for me ;) |
By the time we were ready to wind down it was already around 7:30pm and we had less than 12 hours until the race was set to start! Thankfully I knew I had everything I needed since I had laid out my #FlatCarlee prior to hitting the road.
I mean, if there was ever a race my Sarah Marie Design Studio tank was made for, it would be this one, right?!
My #FlatCarlee included: "jailbreak" PRO Compression socks, black Brooks FastForward Crossback sports bra, gunmetal Sparkle Athletic skirt, a Sarah Marie Design Studio tank, elite Road ID, #WeRunSocial trucker, black and white QALO silicone wedding bands,
black and gray Momentum Jewelry wraps, #WeRunSocial thingamajig, Nathan handheld, PROBAR BOLT chews, my Garmin Forerunner 935, and Brooks Levitate 2 with reflective lightning bolt Shwings. |
After a quick foam rolling and stretch session, it was eventually time to hit the hay. The last piece of business is always triple checking my alarms (yes, I set multiple "just in case"... but 99% of the time I'm up before the first one goes off).
Like most nights before a race, I didn't sleep great. I was "in bed" from about 9:15pm till about 2:15am but I would say I didn't get much sleep at all. Thankfully the night before I had prioritized getting in bed early it so didn't feel too tired.
I would argue that any of the rest I got was
actually "deep sleep", but I digress... |
I let the hubby sleep a little longer while I got ready in the bathroom. I ate my
PROBAR BASE bar (my go-to for breakfast most mornings) while perusing through my social media. Eventually it was time to wake up the hubby, finish getting ready and check out of the hotel. The shuttles were picking up runners from the Ventura County Fairgrounds, so we made our way over around 4:40am (the info said the buses would leave between 4:45 and 5am, so we wanted to give ourselves a buffer to deal with parking, the walk to the buses, etc).
Parking was a breeze (even though I was a little bummed we had to pay for it... even if it was only $5) and had plenty of time so sat in the car for a few minutes before heading to the buses.
Car selfies help relieve pre-race jitters... or so I've been told ;) |
There seemed to be adequate buses waiting for runners and we were able to walk on without any wait. But then the real adventure started... Before leaving, the bus driver stood up and asked "
Does anyone know where we are going?" Nervous laughter spread through the bus... Everyone assumed he was joking... He wasn't... He ended up asking someone sitting behind him to use the light on their phone to follow the printed directions and tell him where to go... Let's just say it made me pretty worried. I've had a couple bad experiences with race transportation and although I appreciate when races provide the service, I really wish they got folks who were comfortable with the route and knew exactly where they were going. Thankfully after a few stops to look at the directions and consult Google Maps we were able to arrive at the start.
Trying not to freak out or ask to get off and onto another bus... |
My normal routine when I get to the start of a race is to jump in the bathroom line right away (because they always seem to get crazy busy before a race and you never know how long you will have to wait) - even if I don't have to go at the time. Here is probably where I should share about my stomach issues lately. For the past month or so my tummy has been giving me some major troubles. I am not 100% sure what the reason is (I was diagnosed with IBS in 2008 but everything had been feeling okay for the last couple years), but let's just say even on the drive up to Ventura on Saturday we had to make a couple
EMERGENCY pit-stops. I was hoping everything was out of my system {sorry if this is a little TMI}, but just in case it wasn't I wanted to hit up the port-o-potties with plenty of time in case I needed a second (or third) trip.
You can see the bathroom lines in the background... they never got shorter than this... |
After the hubby and I used the bathrooms, we went and found a patch of dirt to hang out on. There wasn't a ton of open area for runners, so we felt a little cramped, but at least that helped to keep everyone warm. I decided I would hit up the potties one last time and while in line I found the sweet Emily and Pammy. These ladies have been so encouraging to me as I chase down my goals (they are both super sweet and speedy!) so I was stoked to have randomly run into them both. We chatted a bit while waiting, snapped a selfie, gave out hugs and wished one another a great race.
I found the hubby stretching on a rock and told him we should probably head to the start line. Normally, if the hubby is running a race I will run it with him, but since I was chasing
BIG GOALS, we decided this would be one time we would run our own race. We said our goodbyes, snapped a quick picture and made our way to our respective starting areas.
You'll just have to believe me when I explain what is going on, since I realize all of
our dark selfies (in the car, on the bus, at the start) look the exact same, hehe! |
Apparently due to a noise ordinance there was no music allowed at the starting line, which meant there was no national anthem. Because of that the start felt a little anti-climactic. It was running behind schedule (they were waiting for the official all-clear, or at least that's what they said) and then eventually the announcer just said "3, 2, 1" and we took off.
Warning: Because this was a goal race I did not take my phone out for photos. All of the pictures between here and the finish line will be gifs, memes or free race photos provided by the
Lexus LaceUp Running Series (another awesome perk).
If you read
my post containing my goal for the race, you know I had Goals A-D with an additional "Moonshot". After my training, I truly believed my MS goal of a sub-3:20 marathon was a possibility so I decided I wanted to go for it and
made a 3:20 pace band (I like
the FindMyMarathon site because it accounts for the specific course and you can change the pacing based on effort, speed, conservative start, negative split, etc). My plan was to stick with the 3:20 pacer through Mile 18 and if I felt good at that point to start ticking off faster miles. {Spoiler alert: The race did
NOT go as planned.}
I'll be honest, I go back and forth with pacers. On one hand, I like them because I don't necessarily have to check my watch - I can just zone out and cruise. On the other hand, if my goal is to run a specific time and that pacer leaves me in the dust I can get more frustrated (especially if subsequent pacers continue to pass me throughout the race). Either way, I would still like to give
Beast Pacing two big thumbs up for having such stellar pacers running for them!
From looking at the elevation chart (and then the pace band), I knew the majority of the climbing came in the first half of the race. This is definitely an overall downhill course, but there are still a few bumps you need to be aware of. And, let's be real, I'd much prefer them in the beginning of the race when your legs still have juice to battle them than at the end.
The first six or so miles I was cruising. Don't get me wrong, running those mile didn't feel like a walk in the park (despite running "goal marathon pace" in training, holding it is still a difficult task), but they also didn't feel like a struggle. The cooler temperatures and gradual downhill of those first few miles had me thinking to myself "maybe I really
CAN do this".
I would've preferred about 10* cooler, but we take what we get |
Now here is the part where I share my first "con" on the race. I know, I know, I'm
an ambassador for the series so you think I would be singing my praises from the roof tops, but you all know I've gotta keep it real, so if there is something that isn't my jam I'm gonna share it so you can make an informed decision when you are contemplating running the race. Now, although I thought the first part of the race (while you were still in Ojai) was gorgeous, I didn't love the width of the course. Okay, so this may take a little explaining, but stick with me. The first 10.5ish miles are a loop before heading "down" to Ventura. Think of it as a clock. The start to say Mile 4 is from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock on a clock face. Then Mile 4-6 is an out and back, so you are going from 6 o'clock back to say 4 o'clock and back to 6 o'clock. Then Miles 6-8 take you back from 6 o'clock back to 12 o'clock. Finally Miles 8-10.5 take you back to 6 o'clock and down to the straight shot (more or less) to the finish line. Well, if you are still with me and able to picture this, you see that there is 2ish mile section that has three lanes of "traffic" - the runners heading out on the out and back section, the runners coming back on the out and back section and the runners heading out to Ventura. Although the volunteers and signage kept everyone organized, we were still all sharing one lane of traffic... Which meant the width of running room was maybe 2-3 (at most) people wide... And when people are running with pace groups or are still pretty bunched up at the beginning of the race this makes for some difficult navigation. Now I realize this was technically only a couple miles of congestion like this, but since it's early in the race when you are still trying to find your groove, it can throw folks off so I wanted to mention it.
I tried to draw it out on the map, but I'm not sure this is much better... The green flag is where you start. Then the black arrowheads
show you from the start through mile 5, then the aqua arrowheads show you from mile 5 through 8 and then the green arrowheads
show you from mile 8 through 11. You can see the stretch from around mile 4-6 and 9.5-11 there are three different arrowheads
(meaning groups of runners) in this section. And since the road was still open to traffic we were all sharing a single lane of road. |
Anywho, enough about that (and thankfully, this was the only real area I found congestion to be an issue, but I will come back to something similar towards the end of my recap), back to the race. Like I mentioned before, the majority of the elevation gains came in the first half. I was hitting very close to the splits I needed for the first six or so miles, but I knew I would be slowing soon. And slow I did. Now, looking at my pace band I was still pretty spot on, but around mile 8, after we had a good mile and a half or two of slow incline (think of it more like a false flat - nothing that you would look at and think 'wow, that's a hill', but our legs were definitely feeling it), my quads started feeling a bit like rocks. I was a little nervous, seeing as we still had 18 miles to go, but decided to throw that worry by the wayside. PS I had been slightly in front of the 3:20 pacer up until this point, but around Mile 8 he (and the crew) caught up and passed me. At that point I planned to hold on to them as long as I could - letting their momentum pull me through if my legs continued to feel heavy and led-like.
Picture proof I was with the pacer for at least a little bit of the race ;) |
Thankfully once the uphill was over my legs started loosening up again and I felt the pep in my step return. I definitely wasn't running an "easy" pace, but I didn't feel like I was overly exerting myself. There is a quote that says something along the lines of "in the beginning of a race, don't be stupid... in the end, don't be a coward". I really wanted to do my best to not start off too fast and then be kicking myself because I didn't have enough in the tank at the end. Through the halfway point I was still right on track for my goal of a 3:20 finish (my hope was that even if I couldn't pick it up around Mile 18 like I was wanting, at least when the finish line was in sight I'd muster enough oomph to kick it in and beat the pacer).
Literally cannot believe how close my paces were to what they were "supposed" to be! |
Right around this point we jumped onto the
Ventura River Bike Path. Although the path isn't wide, at this point folks are pretty well spread out so I didn't notice much congestion. The trail is still technically open to the public (although there were signs asking folks to take alternative routes) so you had to keep your eyes peeled for dog walkers, bikers, etc. It reminded me the
San Diego Holiday Half that runs on the bike path next to the 56. I wouldn't say this part is scenic, but at least you can't see Highway 33 next to it like you can in San Diego. (By the way, this section of the race is the same as you run for
Mountains2Beach - a similar race in May - so if you've run that one you'll be familiar with this section.)
Starting around Mile 15 I knew my stomach was not 100%. I've been lucky enough to not have to deal with major stomach issues during a race, but I guess that luck finally ran out. Thankfully there were aid stations every mile and a half or so, so I thought if I needed a pit-stop I'd be close enough to jump into a port-o-potty. {Spoiler alert: This was
NOT the case.}
Seeing as I started running later in life (in case you are new to my corner of the InterWebs, I didn't start running until 2012, when I was in my late 20s), I don't know if I am running "correctly". I know our bodies are amazing things and can try to correct our shortcomings to make our movements as efficient as possible, but that still doesn't mean I have proper form. So when I explain my running, I may get a ton of folks telling me I am doing it wrong, but this is how I've been running for the last 6 years and thus far it has worked for me. Anywho, when I run "hard/ fast", I seem to tense my abs. For some reason my form (or maybe just my head) thinks that when I tighten my stomach my legs can go faster and push harder. Well, when your stomach is in turmoil (it wasn't doing somersaults, but I knew it wasn't smooth sailing), let's just say this isn't an option. To be completely transparent, I didn't trust my stomach enough to clench my abs and not poop my pants...
With that said, I would say I wasn't running my strongest race. Around this point the 3:20 pacer started pulling away and I knew that if I wanted to stick with him I would risk a blowout (I know, I know, TMI, but that's what you get with runners ;)).
I had a major decision to make at this point and I knew it would impact the outcome of my race. First, I could stop at a port-o-potty and "try" to use the restroom. I didn't know if I'd be able to go "completely", so that meant potentially giving up precious moments without knowing for sure if it'd alleviate the situation. Second, I could keep pushing on, but not as hard as I would like. This means I would definitely miss
my Moonshot goal and who knows about the others. Third, I could push, push, push to stay with the pacer (but in doing so I might push, push, push something into my pants). #RealTalk
Quickly I looked at my wrist, saw the
Momentum wrap that said "NEVER GIVE UP" and knew exactly what I was going to do. I'd push on at a comfortably uncomfortable pace (without going too close to the edge of danger).
Can we pause for a second real quick? I was so proud of myself in this moment. In past races, I would've seen the 3:20 pacer pull away and thrown my hands into the air. I wouldn't have walked it in, but I definitely would've gotten into a negative head space, started pulling back and finished disappointed (not because of my time, but because I didn't give my best). But I never gave up on myself, I pushed with everything I had and celebrated every step. I was proud of myself
DURING the process (not just at the finish) because I knew I was giving it everything I had with the body that showed up on race day.
In fact, around Mile 18 or so I actually caught back up to the 3:20 pacer. That, in and of itself, tangibly helped reinforce the lesson that you should
NEVER throw in the towel. There was a mini elevation gain between Miles 15 and 16, so the downhill at this point definitely helped get me back to the pace group, but even still, I was pumped. I was stoked even if he pulled away again because I knew that my persistence was paying off. {Spoiler alert: He would pull away again.}
I know I mentioned the cooler temps at the beginning of the race, but I should comment that I was pleasantly surprised with the temperature for the majority of the race. I assumed that once the sun came up we would be baking (SoCal has been dealing with
Santa Ana winds and some dry, hot heat), but surprisingly the course was mostly in the shade (at least when I was running it, I know the hubby mentioned it started getting warmer and sunnier for him closer to the 20 mile mark). When I finished it was in the mid-70s which isn't normally what you would generally think of for your typical "fall" race, but having dealt with HOT races in the past, I was stoked with how Mother Nature treated us!
And here is the point in the recap where the dramatic music starts to build and everyone but the main character senses something
BIG is about to happen. I had still been chugging along at a decent clip (around Mile 20 or so the pacer started pulling away and I knew my tummy wouldn't let me keep up with him), but started to see my paces slow out of the range I needed them to be to be able to achieve
my MS goal. At this point I took off my pace band and told myself I was going to give my best no matter what, so I didn't need the band. I was pushing as hard as I could so whatever the clock said when I crossed the finish line would be my best, no need to be comparing my current time to what it "should" be.
My stomach started acting up. It was like a toddler who throws a tantrum when it's not getting the attention it wants. When I would focus on it, it'd settle down, but any time I would get into a groove and take my mind off of it, it'd rear its spoiled head and remind me of its presence. I was mentally crossing off the miles to the finish line - not because my legs were hurting, not because I was beat down, but because one mile closer meant one less mile I wasn't in a stones throw from a bathroom. Like I mentioned, there were aid stations every 1.5 miles or so (major props for the frequency of the support), but if you've had stomach issues you know that more than a quick waddle to the bathroom can be too far at times.
Then... it happened... the urge I couldn't shake. I knew I was too far past the previous aid station to be able to realistically turn around, so I hoped (and prayed) I'd come to the next one in time. And as the seconds and steps went on, I knew that wasn't a possibility. If you're a runner, maybe you've dealt with this before, but you start looking around, scoping out all the potential spots where you can drop trou to handle your 'ish. Thankfully there was a dense area of bushes on the side of the trail. Although we were fenced into the trail we were on, I figured if I went past the bushes, none of the runners coming up would see me taking care of business. My only fear was runners who looked over at the exact moment they were passing me, or folks who were utilizing the trail coming from the other direction. Thankfully no one noticed (or so I hope).
So, yes, in case you need me to spell it out, I have now pooped in a bush during a race. #GottaDoWhatchaGottaDo
Surprisingly, my time for that mile wasn't too terrible (because obviously when you gotta go, you gotta go and there isn't time for dilly-dally'ing). I'm sure some of the runners around me were a bit confused when I emerged from the side of the trail... actually... scratch that... anyone who saw me probably knew exactly what I was doing... and they were thanking their lucky stars that they didn't have to do the same.
And with that it was time to finish the race. I knew I wasn't out of the woods yet, so I couldn't sprint it in, but was stoked my tummy did feel a tiny sense of relief after my pit-stop. I ran those last two-ish miles strong and made my way to the finish.
Not sure if you noticed it, but I seem to have "lost" my buff between my previous course picture and here... Hmmmm... |
I was
THRILLED when the finish line was in sight and I saw the race clock was still showing a time
UNDER 3:25. (My standing PR {personal record} from
the 2017 Chicago Marathon was 3:25:02 so my
A Goal was a sub 3:25.) #PRorER
You can see that Mile 24 was where my pace dipped from my "stop", but when you look at the "moving" time, it wasn't as far off from
what I should have been running at that point. You can see I definitely wasn't exactly on pace, but I sure wasn't too far off either! |
Officially I crossed the finish line in 3:23:31!
BOOYA! A 91 second PR - and that was
WITH the bush bathroom stop! Not only that, but I ended up finishing 16th female overall and 5th in my age group!
You've gotta celebrate EVERY finish line! |
I quickly grabbed my medal and made my way to the post-race festival because I needed to use the facilities... again. Thankfully after a few minutes I felt like my tummy was starting to settle down so I was able to go grab my waffle breakfast. (#RealTalk - another 'con' of the race... They really talked about this waffle breakfast and even though I am normally not a waffle eater, I was looking forward to trying to get a little something into my stomach. Let's just say it was a single waffle (that was in a big chafer dish) with the option of whipped cream or individual packets of syrup, plus a few pieces of fruit, pretzels and Oreos. You didn't have to wait in line as long as you did for
the food trucks at the OC Lexus LaceUp Half, but compared to the post-race french toast breakfast at
the Mesa-PHX Marathon, this was pretty sad.)
Since the hubby didn't run with his phone and didn't have a plan for the race, I didn't know when to expect him to roll in. I decided to take my plate of food and head to the finish line - that way I could cheer in other runners and hopefully see Ryan finish his
THIRD marathon (and in the span of 9 months!). His fastest full was a 4:15, so hoped he'd come in sometime around then... and he did! He rocked it and officially finished in 4:22 (right on the nose)!
Look at how strong and upright he looks! |
This guy is an absolute
ROCKSTAR! Running isn't his thing... he does it because he knows how much I love it... and since February he has run
THREE marathons as well as
an unofficial ultra! Now
THAT is true love!
Medal selfie |
Once he caught his breath, we made our way to the post-race festival so he could grab his food and beer (I don't drink beer so he lucks out and gets two since I always give him mine). We were also able to catch up with friends we found.
Eventually it was time to head back to the car to make the journey home. As can be expected, traffic wasn't in our favor, but at least it would only end up taking three hours instead of the previous day's four hour trek...
But, before I wrap this up, I do feel the need to share one last 'con' from the race. At first I wasn't sure I wanted to share it, because I didn't want it to come across rude to my fellow runners, but since the hubby and I both mentioned it when we were chatting about the race I felt it necessary. This event offers both a full and half marathon on Sunday. Since the course is a point-to-point race, the marathon starts 26.2 miles away from the finish and the half starts 13.1 miles away (meaning the half starts at about the halfway mark of the full course). The full was slated to start at 6:40am, while the half kicked off at 7:10am. This means that there is a possibility that the full runners will catch up with some of the slower half runners. Again, please do not take this the wrong way, I totally believe we
ALL deserve the right to be on the course, but since running is such a mental activity I want to shed some light on my thoughts. Seeing as there were fewer full runners, and later in the race they are pretty spread out, when you start catching the half runners (many of whom are walking) there aren't many full runners in sight. I found it to be a bit of a mind screw to continue pushing as hard as I needed when I came up on the half runners. At the point in the race where we combined I was easily on the brink of wanting to slow down or take a walk break. Having the majority of folks around you at that time doing just that makes it extremely difficult mentally to keep pushing. Please hear me - I love that the half marathon course limit is 5 hours and allows for some folks who normally wouldn't be able to complete a half marathon to get out there and tackle the challenge, but I do want to mention that if you aren't in the right head space at this point in the race and you suddenly find yourself surrounded by folks going at a lot slower pace than you, you may find yourself giving in and matching their effort. {PS To the back-of-the-pack'ers, I love you, but please do your best to not walk more then 2 or 3 abreast so folks can safely and easily pass.}
All-in-all the pros {fast course, awesome pacers, plenty of aid stations [although the fuel being at Miles 3.4, 19.9 and 23.3 was a little confusing], free race photos, race day bib pick-up option, scenic views, shaded path, mostly downhill, great volunteers and first responders, etc} definitely outweighed the few but noticeable cons {areas of congestion, lack of spectators, merging of half and full courses}, and if it was closer I would absolutely run this race again. Even still, I wouldn't rule it out. I know I have a faster time in me, so, hey, maybe I'll be back for a second go-around next year!
The post-race live band was a pretty fun experience too! |
PS In case you want to join me (and the hubby) and either (or
BOTH) of the two remaining
Lexus LaceUp events of 2018 {
Palos Verdes on November 17th and
Riverside on December 2nd}, use code "
CARLEE10" to save 10% on registration!
Where is the strangest place you've had to use the bathroom?