Saturday, March 29, 2014

Workout Recap - Week 13

Sunday, March 23rd – Hot Chocolate 5K with my mom, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Monday, March 24th – 5 mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched 

Tuesday, March 25th –  8 mile pace run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Wednesday, March 26th – 5 hilly mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched 

Thursday, March 27th – 19.25 mile bike ride, 2 mile hike with the pup, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Friday, March 28th – 18 mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Saturday, March 29th – 8 mile runFoam Rolled & Stretched

WOWSER! This week I ran over 47 miles! Now today was a schedule "rest day", but since I will be flying out on the red-eye tonight to meet Ryan in Barbados, I figured I would swap a couple of the next few days around. Ry mentioned that it is HOT and HUMID there, that there isn't a treadmill, and that the sidewalks are few and far between with crazy drivers on the roads. 

Next week I had two 5 mile runs and an 8 mile run on the calendar. I decided I would do the 8 miler this morning and will try my hardest to get in a couple runs while on vacation. I am SURE we will be active (shoot, last time we were in Hawaii we rented bikes so we could bike to Diamond Head and then hiked it) with things like walking the island, snorkeling, etc, but I wanted to make sure to got in a little extra mileage before going so I didn't feel so guilty if I didn't get in a longer run while there.  

How were your workouts this past week? 

Friday, March 28, 2014

18 Miles

This morning I ran my first 18-mile run! WHOOO HOOOO!! It went extremely well - although I did have a little hiccup along the way.

I was hoping to leave around 6:30am, but Walt was having a hard time waking up and getting out of bed (who wants to leave the comforts of a warm bed that early anyway) - which meant taking him outside for his morning walk (and potty break) was slightly delayed.

I was out the door by 7am, which still wasn't too bad. It was actually pretty chilly when I left (still in the 40s) and I even saw some frost on the grass. During yesterday's bike ride the wind was pretty strong, so I knew I wanted to get out early enough to beat the breeze, as well as the warming temperatures. I try to wear BRIGHT colors so that the cars along my route see me, and today was no exception.

Quick picture of my outfit while I was waiting to "locate satellites"

Oh yeah, the hiccup, let me get back to it.

So I filled up my Nathan Performance Intensity Race Vest while I was getting everything else ready to head out the door. Once I grabbed my fuel (this morning I used Sport Beans - more on that later), I went and grabbed my vest to put on. I noticed, once it was on my back, that it felt a little wet, but thought maybe it was more cold from the water I filled it with than actually moist. I touched it and low-and-behold IT WAS WET! I pulled out the bladder and nothing appeared to be leaking. I ended up having to pour out a little pool of water from the base of the bag - STRANGE. I made sure everything appeared to be in working condition, put the bladder back in the bag, and went on my way.

Around mile two (once I had warmed my hands a bit from the cooler temperatures) I touched the base of the bag and felt that it was still wet. I figured that was to be expected though, seeing as it wasn't like it would have dried in the cooler temps and not being in the sun (it is near the small of my back). As the miles went on I realized it was still leaking. My back was soaked by about mile 4, but only from about the middle of my back down to my waist. At first I was slightly annoyed, but by the end of the run I came to be thankful for it - the water actually kept me rather cool. {Maybe my better attitude was due to finishing the book Running Within yesterday - where I was learning to turn negatives into positives.}

{Once I got home I pulled the bladder out, but have yet to fully investigate the bag, so not quite sure what the issue is. This was probably the 6th time I used it. I didn't seem to be sucking in any air, like there was a leak in the tube or anything, but again, I'll have to look at in more in-depth (or have hubby check it out) to figured it out.}

As I mentioned, I used the Sport Beans for fuel today (on my 15-Miler and 17-Miler I used Clif ShotBloks but didn't have any more, so went with what I had "in stock" in the cupboard). At mile 6 I took a sample bag of the "assorted flavors" that I had picked up at one of the many race expos I have been to lately. I think there were a total of 5 or so beans, and I think I had two Lemon Lime, two Orange, and one Fruit Punch. I have to say - I don't think any of them were particularly my favorite - but hey, as long as they work I guess. Around mile 12 I broke into the Extreme Pomegranate bag I had (which includes caffeine) and took another 4 beans.  Like the site says - it definitely 'shocked my taste buds' (unfortunately NOT in a good way...). I know Ryan really likes the Sport Beans, so I think I will leave the rest of the package (and any more that we get in the future) for him.


Since I was running with long sleeves, I didn't see my pace for most of the run, but from the looks of it I was running pretty even splits - averaging around 9:40 pace. The run itself was pretty uneventful (minus the water on my back). It was AWESOME seeing everything ready for tomorrow's Oceanside Ironman - tons of folks out on their bikes or getting in their last minute shake-out run. I'm thinking I might even go down to spectate for a bit of it tomorrow morning.

Of course I had to run in my PRO Compression Low Trainers - like mini hugs for your feet :)

And for the rest of the afternoon I spent it with Walt, on the porch, rehydrating and reading The Hunger Games (again).

Obviously wearing my PRO Compression Calf Sleeves for recovery
{CLEARLY I will be putting down the book once March Madness starts up tonight - COME ON BLUE, LET'S MAKE IT TO THE ELITE EIGHT!}

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Walt Wednesday

Oldies, but GOODIES!

No matter how many times I look at these pictures, I have to smile every time I see them!! Oh, Walt The Wiener Dog, how we love you!

Everywhere At Once

SO STOKED for Kevin to have his first music video!! GO KEV GO!! We love you sir!! YOU ARE ROCKIN' AND ROLLIN'!! KEEP IT UP!!

Kevin Tudball: Everywhere At Once from TIGERCASTER on Vimeo.

I LOVE Hills!

This morning's mantra was

I think I repeated it about 50 of the 55 minutes I was out pounding the pavement this morning.

I decided to do today's 5 mile run on hills. I did a 4-miler of hills a couple weeks back and figured I would do this morning's run on the same hill (but instead of 2 miles I would do 3 miles - and then of course the mile of rolling hills to and from "the hill").

I realized that I may never run hills quickly or gracefully, but I will RUN them. I won't cringe when I see them. I won't talk (or think) negatively about them. It may not be pretty, but I CAN DO IT! I am stronger than I think and can do more than I give myself credit. I will take ANY and EVERY opportunity I can to make myself a better person and a stronger runner.

I RUN hills. I CONQUER hills. I EAT hills. One step at a time.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Bracket of Steez

A few months ago I had posted a review on Yooper Steez {check it out here if you haven't read it yet}.

Yesterday I received a message from them that I was in the 2014 Bracket of Steez! You see, they picked their favorite 32 pictures of folks wearing their gear and are having a contest to pick the champion! The winner will win a $100 gift certificate for their store - AWESOME!!


Currently I have made it to Round 2.

I would LOVE if you would take a second and VOTE for me!

What my entry looks like

Round 1 was yesterday, Round 2 is today, Round 3 is tomorrow, Round 4 is Thursday, Round 5 is Friday, and the CHAMPION will be crowned on March 31st.

If I get more votes than the picture I am paired up against then I move on to the next day. (And you are entered into a drawing for a gift certificate just for voting as well!) HOPEFULLY I will go ALL THE WAY!!

Please take a moment to VOTE {Click HERE to find the bracket}! And **NOTE** - you do have to select an entry for EACH matchup before you are able to "Submit Votes".


Sunday, March 23, 2014

SD Hot Chocolate 5K

This morning my mom and I ran the Hot Chocolate 5K in San Diego.

We went to the Expo yesterday to pick up the bibs. It was pretty lame that we had to pay for parking, but I guess that is just the price you pay for living (and running) in San Diego. {Although I would highly recommend they move the Expo to somewhere else in the future - it has been at the San Diego Concourse for the last two years and is less than stellar.}

Mom trying out some of the chocolate on a marshmallow 

Us and Marshall the Marshmallow

Free chocolates (although you would think they might give you a little more... It is a CHOCOLATE race for Pete's Sake)

You'd think they would put the "props" somewhere a little better lit... NOT VERY THOUGHT THROUGH...

This morning we had an EARLY morning wake-up call, seeing as they were recommending you arrive at the race by 5:45am for the 6:45am start. I woke mom up around 4:45am (I got up around 4am - boo for not being able to sleep) and we were out the door by about 5:15am. We made sure to get out our race gear last night so we wouldn't forget anything (like mom's inhaler).

We decided to go with a Detroit Tiger's theme

We were able to get downtown and find some street parking with PLENTY of time to spare - WHOOO HOOOO for free street parking on Sundays. We sat in the car for probably 10 minutes before walking the few blocks to the start (we might have been able to park even closer, but I was worried with the road closures and hoards of people {they said there were 15,000 runners this morning between the 5K and 15K} that I didn't want to chance it).

Mom and Marshall

I have NO IDEA where the U.P. is in this map... Hmmm...

Giant Hot Chocolate!

We headed over towards the start line, hit the port-o-potties, and had plenty of time to get over to our corral. We didn't check a bag, but it seemed like there were tons of folks at the Gear Check. We took a couple of pictures and got ready to head out.

Starting Line shot.

Mom's hip was giving her a hard time, so we decided we would walk/run the race. Last year I ran the 15K, so wasn't sure what to expect for the 5K course. Well.... let's just say IT WAS HILLY! I would say about 75-90% of it was hills. Up and down. This didn't seem to bod well for mom's body or asthma.

We were still able to finish the race together, reppin' our Detroit Tigers, with smiles on our faces!

I probably shouldn't try to take pictures WHILE running... BLUR....

And of course, then we got to collect our CHOCOLATE!!

This year I was provided a FREE ENTRY to the 5K for myself since I was an Ambassador for the Hot Chocolate series (last year I did pay for my 15K entry myself).

I think I will probably pass on this race for next year. I have run both distances now and I would have to say, there was nothing too special about it. The course (both the 15K that I ran last year and the 5K I did this morning) is pretty hilly {which = not very fun}. Although you are running in downtown San Diego, I would say you don't see much other than tall buildings (I have run quite a few AWESOME courses in SD where you see the bay, bridges, and beauty). Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the "goodie bag" which has been a GREAT hoodie for the past two years, but with a less than amazing course and no bling (other than the plastic finisher mug filled with hot chocolate and chocolate fondu with dipping treats) I think I would prefer to try out a new race.

Have you done a Hot Chocolate race before?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Workout Recap - Week 12

Sunday, March 16th – 4 mile run, 4 mile bike ride with the hubby (alongside of him while he was running), Foam Rolled & Stretched

Me biking while Ryan was running in the heat... 

Monday, March 17th – 8 mile pace run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Tuesday, March 18th –  Strength Training (abs, back, arms and legs), Foam Rolled & Stretched

Wednesday, March 19th – 4 mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched 

Thursday, March 20th – 7 mile hike of Mt. Woodson Trail with mom and hubby to Potato Chip Rock, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Friday, March 21st – 17.3 mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Saturday, March 22nd – Rest day, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Putting in over 33 miles for the week and had a GREAT TIME doing it. I was able to get a run in with Ryan before he left for Barbados, bike alongside of him while he was doing another run, and run alongside my Mom while she was biking (she's in town from Michigan visiting). It was great pounding the pavement with some of my favorite-est people by my side. 

My legs are a little sore, but nothing I think I should be worried about. I think it was more from the hiking earlier this week that had us using different muscles than normal. I have been sure to get the foam roller, golf ball, and Stick out and put them all to good use. 

How were your workouts this past week?