Sunday, February 16, 2025

Workout Recap - Week 7

Sunday, February 9th  4.5 mile run with the hubby

Monday, February 10th –  50 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, February 11th – 4.44 mile run

Wednesday, February 12th –  30 minutes on the stationary bike

Thursday, February 13th – 5K run 

Friday, February 14th  Rest day (blood donation)

Saturday, February 15th – 10K run

For a very stormy week, I will consider it a win. I got in all of my workouts and even enjoyed the majority of them ;) No longer run, but I ran with the hubby on Sunday (which I would much prefer because he's the bestest!) and then needed to keep my prior day's blood donation in mind on Saturday, so it's all good. Plan to go a little longer tomorrow, but next week I'll be in the frozen tundra for a visit to my parents, so the workouts overall will be dialed back. The nice thing about no longer training for the LA Marathon is I have ZERO guilt about running what I want, when I want! The forecast shows the rain is gone for the foreseeable future, so I should be a-okay to get in my runs without soaked clothes and soggy shoes.

How were your workouts this past week?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Walt Wednesday

Some people do a "Wordless Wednesday" post, where they simply share a photo or image, but I thought I'd make a little series out of my Wednesdays. And since I love alliteration so much, why not go with Walt Wednesdays (obviously everyone can use a little break from the seriousness, scariness and sassiness of life - and what better way to help put a smile on your face than with a cute wiener dog picture, am I right?!)... So, without further ado...


When life gets overwhelming, how do you de-stress? 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Workout Recap - Week 6

Sunday, February 2nd  Rest day

Monday, February 3rd –  50 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, February 4th – 2 mile run

Wednesday, February 5th –  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Thursday, February 6th – 4.4 mile run (1.4 mile run before work, 3 mile lunch run)

Friday, February 7th  20 minutes on the stationary bike

Saturday, February 8th – 7 mile run

Well, I think I'm gonna consider this week a LOSS! On Saturday of last week, the hubby and I joined a friend on the Pacific Crest Trail for 28.5 miles of hiking, which moved this week's workouts around. Not only did that make Sunday a rest day, but I got a big blister on the bottom of my left foot, which made for a painful Tuesday run (hence why I only got in 2 miles before I felt like I was tearing skin open and walked the last mile back to the house). With that being said you can see workouts were a bit 'adjusted' this week to accomodate for the blister and previous hike. Even still, being out on the trail for almost ten hours on a gorgeous day was worth the pain ;) The rest of the week my stomach was off and my workouts were much shorter than I would've liked, plus I worked Sunday through Friday which made for a very long work week as well (which was draining physically). Here's to life turning around next week and things feeling much better.

How were your workouts this past week?

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Workout Recap - Week 5

Sunday, January 26th  12 mile run

Monday, January 27th –  55 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, January 28th – 6 mile run

Wednesday, January 29th –  Rest day

Thursday, January 30th – 4 mile run

Friday, January 31st  30 minutes on the stationary bike

Saturday, February 1st – 28.5 mile hike (joining a friend while he section hikes the PCT)

This week was fun. Instead of a longer run on Saturday the hubby and I joined a friend of ours who is section hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and got in 28.5 miles. It was a long day (almost 10 hours of hiking), but the views were stunning and the weather was almost perfect. Now that I'm not officially running the LA Marathon I can do adventures like this and I'm not overly worried about not hitting a number on a training plan. Here's to hoping this helps me find the joy in running again. 

How were your workouts this past week?