Although living in Southern California means most of the year feels like summertime, we are now OFFICIALLY in the summer season! Summer brings with it lots of amazing things - sunshine, bonfires, laying at the beach, stargazing, s'mores, fireworks, more sunshine, etc. (I am not ashamed to say that summer is my favorite season of the year!) Along with the awesomeness, some not so stellar things also tend to accompany summer... The main one that comes to mind is SWEAT!
I know there are some "girly" sayings out there, like "I don't sweat, I sparkle" and the like, but let me tell you - I SWEAT... LIKE A LOT! (I guess you can say I sparkle WHILE I sweat, but I am definitely letting out a lot of liquid awesome when I am getting my workouts in :))
I have blogged about Halo Headbands in the past (I actually even worked for them for a short period of time trying to be a sales rep, but I quickly found out sales is NOT my forte). The main thing that sets Halo apart from other brands is the sweat block patented seal! This little piece of wonderfulness helps to channel the sweat away from your eyes and face!
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I have two, brand new Halo Headbands sitting in my room right now and I figured now was the PERFECT time to give them away to two lucky readers!
The first one is the USA Halo Headband - Tie Version. Just in time for the 4th of July, right?! (PS If you don't win this or if you want one BEFORE your 4th of July race, you can use code "HALOUSA" to save 20% on your order of a USA Flag Headband.) {I did want to mention, I see more guys wearing the tie version and more girls wearing the pullover version, but obviously you can wear whatever floats your boat!}
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The second one is the Paisley Red Headband - Pullover Version. This one reminds me of an old school bandanna print.
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I figured I would put the two headbands in two separate Rafflecopters, that way you are sure to get the print you want. There will be a winner selected for each of the headbands. You CAN enter both giveaways (and if the same person wins them both, then they are just a lucky duck and I can save on shipping :))!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Enter early and often (some of the entries are available DAILY). I did want to mention, this giveaway is NOT sponsored or affiliated with Halo Headband in any way... I am just sharing some of my gear {brand new, of course} with YOU! It will run through Friday, July 3rd at 11:59pm PST. I will contact the winners via email (using the email address listed through Rafflecopter) who will have 24 hours to respond and claim their prize. Also, the entries ARE verified, so please make sure you complete the task or I'll have to pick a new random winner.
I usually wear spakle athletic visors or a hat.
I usually wear a hat, but sometimes I think it makes me too warm. I have been wanting to try a headband!
Headbands are a must for me!
I love my brooks run happy hat. It's my fav for keeping the sweat out of my eyes but these are super cute too!
I usually wear a hat but that only keeps the sun out of my eyes!
I usually wear some type of cheap headband so this would be a treat!
I wear a hat. My wife also made a towel wristband that unfolds as well.
I wear a hat, sometimes a head band, and I designed a towel wristband my husband likes
Honestly just let the sweat run into my eyes. I should try a head band.
I so need this for the summer runs.
I usually wear a headband but with it being so hot lately, I need something else!
Usually a visor, but I still find that too hot.
I use a headband but I haven't tried Halo brand... I am intrigued though!
I keep the sweat out of my eyes with a hat.
Sadie B.
A hat!
I'm a headband girl!
I usually use a bondi band
I wear a headband OR a hat!
I always wear a Sparkly Soul headband!
I usually wear a hat.
I usually wear a headband, but most of them are so thin that my bangs end up flopping over them haha! These would be great!
I usually wear a hat, some type of headband and in the summer wear my handana to wipe sweat away.
Sweat in the eyes is the worst! It doesn't help having short hair! I usually don't wear anything
I usually use a hat, visor, or BondiBand to keep the sweat at bay.
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