What do logical folks do after a race? Well, I wouldn't know because I am a runner and we are anything but rational, especially when it comes to running {can I get an AMEN?!}, but what I did was head down to Mission Bay to meet up with some AMAZING runners.
You KNOW there was a costume change along the way, right?! I mean any time I can break out more sparkle and color I am ALL FOR IT!
Flat Carlee consisted of a Magenta Sparkle Athletic Skirt, Pandamonium Rock N Roll Tank, Heather Grey Pro Compression Socks, Kaleidoscope Pink Wide Sparkly Soul Headband, Garmin Forerunner220, New Balance Fresh Foam Boracay that include a Sparkle Athletic set of Pink Shwings. |
This was the second year I have participated in the Pro Compression Shakeout Run. Last year I went down to meet up with everyone even though I wasn't running in any of the races (it is hard to pass up #AllTheRunners, what can I say?!).
Yup, colorful Carlee from last year made the "ad" for this year :) Source: ProCompression's Instagram Feed |
We met up at the Bahia Resort, just like we had the previous year (there is a big, FREE public parking lot right next to the hotel which works perfectly for meetups). There was a great turn out, especially for the dreary day that we had (May Gray was in full effect, not to mention some drizzle crap misting from the clouds).
A little pre-run photo! Source: Brian |
Shane, DaSilentAssassin, was running the show, but had to go get his wife and son from breakfast so asked if I would lead the run. SHOOT DOGGY, OF COURSE! I'm pretty sure he asked me because it is easy to spot all the sparkle making its way down the boardwalk.
Leslie and I led the group on a 3 mile run - one and a half miles out and then spinning around and running it back. The sidewalk is along Mission Bay and has gorgeous views (even if it was overcast out). The path is normally hoppin' on a Saturday morning but thankfully it was pretty chill since our crew may have taken over the whole sidewalk at points. [We tried to rein in the speed, but after racing that morning and having to pee, our legs just kept cruising. We averaged about a 9:45/mile pace though - not too shabby for miles 4, 5 and 6 of the morning and having a race the following morning.]
Linzie, myself and Leslie leading the crew around the bay Source: Brian |
After the run we all met up and took #AllTheSelfies, drank #AllTheSuja (um DELISH!), and had #AllTheLaughs. This crew is AWESOMESAUCE! I mean, literally, glitter and sunshine just rains off of them! I wish I could bottle them all up and keep them in my pocket for gray days.
The post-run picture. We even gained a few more runners on the way! Source: Brian |
Who doesn't love jumping in a groupie? (Is that what a group seflie is called? If not, it should be ;)) Source: Brian |
Kristin and I were looking down because her son was playing photographer too and taking a picture of us. |
This is the one Judah took of us. Love his finger in the corner! Source: StuftMama |
I tried the berry flavor and the green Suja (NOT cucumber though, OH NO!) and they were both SCRUM-DIDILY-UMPTIOUS! Seeing as they are a local company I will NEED to be on the look out for more bottles soon! Source: Brian |
Brian, Linzie and I (yes, I was very much the third wheel ;)) Source: Linzie |
THESE LADIES! Holy ULTRA amazingness! Gina, me, Stephanie and Leslie |
Brian and I (and that pretty dumpster that ended up in the background of most pictures...) Source: Brian |
Smitha (who went home and showered after the 5K), Melissa and I |
Some of the stragglers... It was hard to leave with all the awesomeness there! Source: Smitha |
If only we could do this EVERY week... A HUGE thanks to Pro Compression for sponsoring the shakeout run, to Suja for bringing the drinks, and for all the runners that came out for a SUPER FUN Saturday morning run. Like legit, YOU ALL ROCK MY SOCKS!!
Have you ever made it out to a group shakeout run before?
So fun! Sad I had to miss out on this amazingness! :(
Oh. My. Word. I NEED that tank in my life.
Ah I love that tank top!! I think the next PRO shake out needs to happen in Texas.
Truth be told...even if I didn't have to sneak out to grab my fam, I still would have chosen you. You are my "go to"! And, I was hoping no one took the ProCo shirt so I could give it to you for all your help! Hopefully it fit!
Not gonna lie... I'm kinda bummed that I missed out on the awesomeness here. I'm glad I got to meet up with the WeRunSocial crew on Friday and Sunday, though. :)
I am dying! Smitha went home and showered after the 5k. What a princess! Ha!
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