Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Walt Wednesday

I figured today I would post some of the CUTE videos of Walt over the last two weeks. He loves playing at the park and going for hikes with us. Shoot, who am I kidding, he just loves being with us.... But who wouldn't?! {HA, JOKES!}

(PS I do now realize that I should probably hold the phone the other way so I fill the screen... Next time...)

Ry said that he has actually "slid" before, but this time he just ran down the slide... Ryan blamed it on the video taping :)

Ryan LOVES to have Walt climb this tree...

Walt LOVES the car... And even if it is freezing out, he wants to windows down. He would rather be chilled to the bone, shaking uncontrollably, but "free" in the wind.

Like I mentioned, Ryan likes to take Walt across trees...

Ryan wanted me to get a "Walt view"....

1 comment:

Disney_Bride said...

Ok. Walt is AWESOME. He's adorable and adventurous, like his mom. Too cute!