Tuesday, February 11, 2014

BIG Trip!

So yesterday I announced BIG NEWS (if you missed the post, you should definitely check it out).

Today I have more exciting news - this time it is about a TRIP!

If you don't know, my hubby is an amazingly talented graphic designer (and all around artist). He currently works for Reef. He helps with the window graphics, ads for magazines, layouts for their catalogs, designs a few t-shirts here and there, etc. Sometimes he is lucky enough to go on photo shoots (whether it is because they need someone to manage the product, make sure they are getting the shots needed for ads, or even to take a couple pictures). He has been able to go to Australia, Hawaii, Santa Barbara, along with a handful of local shoots.


Well, at the end of March he has been asked to go on another photo shoot - this time to Barbados. And the even COOLER thing... I GET TO GO!! Okay, I don't actually get to go to the photo shoot, but I get to go to Barbados!! He will be there for 10 days for work, and then I will fly there to meet him once he is done. We will get to spend about 5 days there just maxin' and relaxin'. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! So yesterday afternoon I booked my ticket!


Since he is already going for work, his airfare will be covered, which means we really only have to pay for like HALF of the trip ;) Might as well take FULL advantage of that, right?!

We are two lucky ducks, huh?!

Have you ever been to Barbados?

1 comment:

Two Runners Travel said...

Sounds like a wonderful opportunity to vacation in the Caribbean, and plan your strategy for your marathon. You have so many exciting things to look forward to Carlee! By the way, we just returned from a Caribbean cruise post Dopey Challenge. It was amazing!