Thursday, April 10, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Salmon

Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Salmon
With summer on the horizon, many people are thinking about health, fitness, and flaunting their firm forms while having fun in the sun. If you're eating salmon because you think it's good for your health and your waistline, think again. Here are 10 "reel" reasons not to eat it.

10. Faux Fish
Fake it for salmon's sake! Tempt your taste buds without tempting fate by trying faux fish. Your local Asian food mart or health-food store likely carries vegetarian mock seafood products that have all the flavor of the "real thing" without the contaminants or cholesterol.
If you're "fishing" for a heart-smart diet that has been proved to actually reverse heart disease while also reducing the risk of cancer, diabetes, and obesity and that is good for the environment as well as fish-friendly-a vegetarian diet is the perfect catch.

Check them out here.

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