Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Frustration Station

So this morning I went on so that I could print off my itinerary so that I could hang it on my fridge (my flight out is in 1 week and 1 day). I noticed at the top of my itinerary it said something along the lines of "There has been a schedule change that has effected your reservation. If you have made the reservation with a travel agent, please check with them to verify and if you have made the reservation through United or, please call 1-800-United-1." I noticed that this 'new' itinerary that had popped up had me now transferring planes in Washington DC instead of Chicago, which pushes back my arrival time into Detroit on the morning of the 21st by an hour or 2. I then notice that my flight out on Christmas was pushed forward by 2 and a half hours. Instead of being able to hang out with my family and have Christmas dinner with everyone, seeing as my original flight was supposed to leave at 6:50, I will now have to be on a flight that leaves at 4:15. GRRRRRRRRR. I was a little ticked, and decided I would call United to see if I can make it on a later flight. They told me that the flight that I was originally booked on was no longer flying to Chicago and then San Diego, and that the 4 o'clock plane was the last one of the day. They did book me a aisle seat, similar to my original seat, WOW, great (sense the sarcasm). I have now simmered my nerves and decided that at least I get to fly back to Michigan for Christmas in the first place. There are plenty of people that would love to have the opportunity to be with their families for the holidays, even if it isn't exactly how I originally planned it. Who knows, maybe this is God's way of saving me from sitting in the O'Hare Airport for the whole weekend by having me get on a plane that now goes through DC. Honestly, I am more upset for my family, because now they will have to change our Christmas plans so that we can eat earlier (since we will need to leave for the airport by about 2:30 and you can't eat dinner by then, maybe a lunch?). And we all get cheated out of time we can hang out (2 hours on the way there and 3 hours on the way back... Maybe I should ask United to reimburse me with 5 hours of family time :) ). Oh well, I guess we will all just have to deal.

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