Wednesday, January 27, 2016

#WeRunSocial LA Marathon Meet-Up

Wait just a second there... WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! I swear I was just posting about how I was selected to be an LA Marathon ambassador like yesterday, right?! And now the race is right around the corner! EEKS! Guess I better get working on my race outfit...

Anywho, second to deciding on what I am wearing, figuring out my social schedule for the weekend is TOP PRIORITY! And if you will be in the Los Angeles area (whether it is for the race or for the Olympic Marathon Trials on the 13th or for the Grammys on the 15th or you live in the area or just want to drive in because of all the hub-bub going on {as you can see, LA will be HOPPIN'}), I want to make sure I give you enough notice so you can add this to your calendar.

You read that right, Linzie & I will be hosting a #WeRunSocial Meet-Up over the Los Angeles Marathon Weekend!

We will be meeting at the LA Convention Center (since that is where the Expo is located and figured it was a centralized meeting place), in the South Hall Lobby. Don't worry about missing us, simply look for the #WRS gear, the big banner and the hoards of friendly runners and you'll be in the right spot!

I'm not sure if you noticed it on the image above but PRO Compression is helping to sponsor this meet-up... which means PRIZES! Oh HECK TO THE YES, you better believe it! Come one, come all and be prepared to #KeepItTight! And while you're at it, you should probably wear your PRO gear so that you make sure your legs are refreshed for the following day (whether you are running, spectating or having a Netflix marathon on the couch)!

And why wait to start the giveaways?! Why not have one RIGHT NOW?!

I've got one of the OH SO FLY #WeRunSocial sling bags up for grabs! Now, just like you don't have to be running any of the races to attend the meet-ups, you don't have to be in LA to win this prize (although if you are I can bring it to the meet-up to save on shipping ;)). 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway will run through Tuesday, February 2nd at 11:59pm. Open to US residents only. The winner will be contacted via the email address associated with their Rafflecopter account and will have 24 hours to claim their prize. All entries are verified, so please be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected.

Good luck to everyone who enters! And don't forget to enter early and often, some entries are available daily!


Unknown said...

Love that bag! Definitely coming to the meetup!

Meg Fingert said...

I really enjoy Instagram. Visual content is so fun to consume and create!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I love Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat!

Unknown said...

I love Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat!

Andrea Lawson said...

Instagram is my favorite. Can't wait for the meetup!

Knoxie13 said...

I'm definitely an Instagram girl, myself. The visual is just so much more fun. Can't wait for the meetup- it will be my first one with WRS!

Unknown said...

IG and Facebook are my favorites. Love, love, love photos!

Unknown said...

Congrats! IG and facebook

Shell said...
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Shell said...

I am stoked to be running LA. This will be my 3rd marathon and I will qualify as marathon maniac when I am finished.

Melissa H. said...

My favorite social media is Instagram!

xoxtinao said...

Instagram! I keep all of my running to my IG and therefore still have Facebook friends :P

Unknown said...

Facebook and Instagram for sure. Can't wait for the meet up!!

Unknown said...

twitter has become my favorite social media platform because i love the interaction! the communities are all so supportive, it's awesome!!

Tania T. said...

Facebook and Instagram. I love that sling bag, it will match my shirt!!!

blew415 said...

Facebook for me

Sarah Says said...

Instagram for sure

Kelly said...

Instagram and Twitter are my favorite social media platforms!

Unknown said...

So glad I found you on ig! Loving the posts, as the only running in my group of friends I love following others and getting motivation and encouragement!

Shay @ Whine Less, Breathe More said...

Cute bag!

Instagram is my favorite.

John Hykes said...

Great bag!

Im a big fan of Twitter (@jahykes) and Instagram (same). Just started a new IG account to help me stick to my training (@runjohnboyrun). Feel free to find me!

Also, would love to see (or host) a WRS event for some of the Midwest races we're in!

Marilou Mack said...

Instagram ��

Unknown said...

I prefer Facebook to anything else.

Unknown said...

My favorite social media is Twitter for sure.

Unknown said...

My Twitter is ( _dylancloud_ )

Gina Gallagher said...

My favorite social media platform is Twitter! It's so fast-moving.

Ken C said...

I like Facebook

Anonymous said...

I used to LOVE facebook because you could connect with anyone wherever. Instagram is slowly growing on me...... I love all the pictures that inspire me.

Ruth C said...

Facebook to keep up with family and friends
Instagram to let followers know what I am up to

Emily White said...

I love Twitter and IG for different reasons. Love the bag too!

ahotsouthernmess said...


Running With The Girls said...


Unknown said...

Instagram! I'm very visual. :)

disrunnerk said...

Wish I could be in LA...maybe next year! My favorite social media is Twitter - seems to facilitate more positive interaction between runners.

Unknown said...

Instagram - it's where I follow my fitness inspirations and motivators!

Margaret said...

Instagram all the way!

mmstarla said...

How awesome! That's a really hard one to decide.. If I had to decide I would say twitter!

Kristin said...

I've really learned how to love Instagram and I've met some wonderful friends through there.

Sam @ See Sam Run said...

I have some nuun (cherry limeade is my favorite) then some beer!

Unknown said...

I find myself on Facebook more, but I think my favorite is Twitter. More info, updates, and interaction! But I'm REALLY digging Periscope these days!

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

I use facebook the most....that's probably my favorite.

heymissvirginia said...

My favorite social media is twitter.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

Angela said...

i use facebook the most

Shannon said...

I would have to say my favorite is instagram or Facebook. Kind hard to choose just one!

Unknown said...

I love IG! It's so easy to see everyone's feed and find new accounts you like. I also love this bag!
-Natalie A

Shannon O. said...

Pinterest is my favorite.

Aaron said...

Twittter is my favorite, I guess, but all no longer much fun.

Unknown said...

Instagram is my jam!

Ana said...

Instagram is my favorite Social Media platform!

Unknown said...

IG is my favorite!!! I am SO excited for this meet up!!! =D

Natalie said...

I am currently loving IG!!

Unknown said...

Reddit and snapchat are my favorites

Shannon said...

Love this bag, definitely a great one for race expos and meet-ups!

As good as it Gets! said...

I love Instagram but I'm becoming a better Twitterer�� Still do Facebook too-84 year young Dad is on FB so I do post there too ��

Unknown said...

Instagram!! :)

Amy Lauren said...

Facebook is my fave, but I'm beginning to really like Reddit.

Chasity said...

Love the bag!!! Instagram is my fav!!!

Breathe Deeply and Smile said...

I love that bag! I love Facebook and Instagram is a close second!

Elle said...


Karen said...

My favorite is Instagram!