Thursday, July 10, 2014

Upcoming Races

I was sending an email to Krissy over at Outrunning the Monorail earlier this week (seeing if she would be willing to help set up a training plan for me) and so I put together a list of my upcoming races.


I guess I didn't realize how many there were until I saw them in a single list...

I realize that I am not "racing" all of them (meaning some of them are "fun runs", some of them I will be running with my hubby or friends so will probably be at a slower pace, etc), but still... holy crapoly... 


I currently have 14 races on my calendar in between now and mid-January. The only one(s) that isn't registered for yet is the Turkey Trot and that is because I am not sure if I want to do BOTH the 5 Miler and the 5K or only one of them... 

How many races do you currently have on your race calendar? How far in advance do you normally schedule races?


Angie said...

Wow! That is a lot. I have 3 on my list between October and January. I will hopefully add in some others soon.

Karen said...

Whew! You are going to be one busy gal! I am currently registered for the Philly Marathon and WDW Goofy Challenge! :) I add local races along the way :)
Karen @karenlovestorun

Unknown said...

I hope you survive the month of January!

Danielle said...

Looks like I have 8 between now and January, right around where I'd like to be, I like to average about 1 a month.