Sunday, January 6, 2013

Workout Recap - Week 1

A few of the blogs that I follow do a 'weekly workout recap'. I thought I would jump on the bandwagon :). It seems like a great way to keep track of everything I have been doing, see my progress, etc.

**WARNING** This past week I have been sick, so my working out has MAJORLY been missing. I am pretty stressed about it, especially since I have a half marathon in two weeks, but I have to listen to my body (not to mention I couldn't go more than a minute or two without coughing, so working out was out of the question).

Sunday, December 30th - Rest Day [This was our travel day back from Michigan - which turned out to be a lot more hectic than originally planned, but we were able to make it on a standby flight and got back to SoCal around 10:30pm]

Monday, December 31st - 16 Mile Bike Ride (with the hubby)

Tuesday, January 1st - 3 Mile Jog (with the hubby)

Wednesday, January 2nd - Rest Day [Ended up coming home from work early and sleeping from 3:30pm until 6:30am]

Thursday, January 3rd - Rest Day [This is when the coughing began]

Friday, January 4th - Rest Day [Coughing continued]

Saturday, January 5th - Rest Day [Coughing continued]. Foam rolled and stretched for about 30 minutes.

Like I said, I have had to really cut back my working out this week. I am feeling slightly better today (the coughing has subsided slightly), so I am going to try and at least get in a beach walk/ jog. I am hoping this will be my worst week of the year. I can only go one direction from here, right?! UP!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do NOT worry about not much mileage before your half. You actually should be starting to taper your miles at this point anyway - so all is well :) You are going to do great -- and you'll be in Disney, so it's ALWAYS fun! Get better soon!