Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Day 11 of #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas

Thanks so much for stopping by my corner of the InterWebs today. Whether you've been following along on my journey since I started this blog OVER TWELVE YEARS AGO or you stopped by for the first time today - WELCOME!

And no matter how long you've been visiting, you picked an AMAZING time to pop in because we're celebrating my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas {read my post announcing this series HERE if you don't know what I'm talking about}.

Today is Day 11 of my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas! And the prize today is pretty FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC! Although, to be honest, all of the prizes are absolutely AMAZEBALLS! If I could enter my own giveaways I'm pretty sure I would enter each and every one of them in this series (and somehow rig it so I'd win) because they are just that AWESOMESAUCE.

Up for grabs today are: 11 boxes of PROBAR goodies.

For today, DAY ELEVEN, eleven winners will be selected, each winning a box of my favorite PROBAR goodies.

To say the hubby and I are #FueledByPROBAR would be an understatement. I'll have a BASE bar for breakfast before workouts, the hubby takes a MEAL bar with him to work for lunch every day, we both snack on FUEL bars when we're out and about, and I fuel my long runs with BOLT chews. Once you find something that works, stick with it, right?!

Now they offer Nut Butters! I've tried them all and they're DELISH with a capital D! (It's perfect on a banana for a snack!)


We love PROBAR for oh so many reasons. Just a few of them are because they create delicious, convenient and healthy food products. Their ingredients are plant-based, coming from sustainable sources which have a small impact on the earth and a significant and positive impact on our bodies. PROBAR doesn't compromise when it comes to quality, and their Non-GMO Project Verified products are proof that packaged food can maintain quality, sustainability, purity and taste. Not only that, PROBAR uses certified organic ingredients in their products. So much goodness in those little packages!

Because PROBAR ROCKS MY SOCKS (and because I was able to sweet talk my contact into hooking you up), eleven winners will grab a case of one of my favorite products - which I have narrowed down (although that was incredibly hard, truth be told) to BOLT Chews, BASE Bars or Nut Butters! There is a plethora of flavors in each of those three categories (although my favorite BOLT Chews are the Pink Lemonade or Strawberry, my favorite BASE Bars are the Frosted Peanut Butter or Frosted Coconut, and my favorite Nut Butter is the Superfood Almond Butter) so there's something for everyone!


Entering this giveaway (along with the other #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas giveaways) is easy-peasy! Simply use the Rafflecopter widget listed below on the giveaway blog post and cross your fingers. Some entries are available daily so I'd HIGHLY recommend entering early and often. (Shoot, I would even go as far as suggesting you set an alarm to remind you to come back to this page every 24 hours so you can take advantage of as many entries as possible!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway Now, the nitty gritty details... All entries are verified, so please make sure to do whatever the required action for the entry is or it will be disqualified. I would hate for you to miss out on winning due to a technicality, so if you are going to click the option, make sure you do whatever it asks or a new, random winner will be selected in your place.

Also, this giveaway will last seven days, with the random winners being picked (and notified) on the eighth day. The winners will have 24 hours to reply to the congratulations email from me to claim their prize. That means, for this giveaway, it will end on December 17th at 11:59pm PST and the ELEVEN winners will be chosen on December 18th.

And, finally, the winners must have a US mailing address. International shipping seems to cost an arm and a leg these days, and customs is a major headache, so to make it easier (and cheaper) on the brands who have offered up their products, the winners must live in United States of America (or at least have an address we can ship to within the US).

With that said, BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERS! And don't forget to stop back tomorrow to see what is up next in my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas (I promise you do NOT want to miss out on any of these giveaways!)!

PS Just in case you aren't one of the ELEVEN lucky winners, you can use coupon code "CARLEE" for 20% off your order (because EVERYONE is a WINNER in my book)! So get #FueledByPROBAR and save a few bucks! *Code expires 12/31


renata said...

I usually fuel up with a banana and some peanut butter for energy.

Lydia said...

Bagel, peanut butter, and banana. TBH, I would eat this combo anytime...

Unknown said...

gu and water!

Jennifer Crawford said...

usually Honey stinger and Huma gel

Nichole said...

GU Roctane!

Jenny Bradley said...

Yessss I love ProBar!!!! It's hard to keep from eating the gummies as reg snacks!

Megan Warzecha said...

My go-to fuel during runs has been Tailwind for the last couple of years.

Beth R said...

I love the chews during a long day playing pickleball or getting my workout in.

Brielle Curtis said...

Sport beans or gummy bears

Angela said...

I use Honey Stinger on my runs but I've always wanted to try the Probar stuff. I don't know where I can get it locally and for just a try.

Unknown said...

always up to try new chews

kellyr78 said...

I power up with protein bars.

Allyson said...

I like real food for fuel. Mostly fig newtons, m and ms, or pretzels.

Unknown said...

Oatmeal before long runs and gu on the run

Anonymous said...

I love Probar gummies! Those or honey stinger waffles are great for me prior to runs. My stomach can't handle much more than that.

Lori Thornton said...

I think I'm always trying to figure it out still. I've had luck with Honey Stingers and Gu, but after a training season I get burnt out on them and hate them. You've said a lot of good about ProBar and I actually just picked some up to give them a whirl!

ahotsouthernmess said...

It used to be candy corn. Then I got pregnant and they suddenly tasted like the worst things ever. My son is almost 2 and I have not gone back. Now I try to get in extra fiber and protein as much as possible.

Krysta Jensen said...

Melaleuca Access Bars!!!

Unknown said...

Pro bars have totally changed my ability to endure long distances hiking! Who knew I needed that many calories?! ;-)

Unknown said...

Sweet potatoes!! (And Gu...I just can't run with that many potatoes! :)

Nicole Kimball said...

Natures Bakery Fig Bars!!

~M said...

Banana or Honey Stingers

Ray said...

I make a protein shake for a quick energy boost to fuel me up!

Erica @ Erica Finds said...

I use Seattle Gummy Co or Honey Stinger chews (I like PROBar bolts, too) but I love PROBar nut butters! I think I won this one last year :)

Whitney Lunders said...

I use Stingers, gummy bears and Nuun!

Brooke said...

Gu & water - although i'm thinking of switching it up!

Kallie Conrad said...

I love Tailwind and I'll add a Probar nut butters if it's over 20.

Emily Christman said...

S’mores gu and gummy bears!

Rebecca Sebastian said...

Pretzels, pb and nuun

Anonymous said...

Start with whole grain waffle and peanut butter. Then just water and gu/gel during, but I would like to try ProBar!

Rachel S said...

My go-to for long runs is some energy gels or an electrolyte drink. My stomach is kind of sensitive, so I always have to watch how much I fuel while I'm running.

Becca W said...

I use swedish fish and gatorade :)

Heather Dagenais said...

I currently eat half a toasted English muffin with peanut butter and a banana before a long run. during I'll have chews or gels.
I love the Probar Bolt chews for hiking! yum!

dd said...

I carry dense food bars that won't melt in the heat, and that have some fiber, protein and fat to get me through the workout.

Unknown said...

I typically use Gu, but I'm always interested in what's else is on the market.

Jennifer said...

I like to make homemade energy bars for fuel.

Jolene said...

Honey Stinger waffles before and GU during. I have always wanted to try pro bar chews and almost picked up a pack yesterday.

Kyle said...

I actually can't eat much before a long run. Horrible, I know.

mb said...

I usually fuel with Honey Stinger waffles or gels if anything.

AER-Runs said...

I typically have a half a bagel before, and a Huma gel during!

Jen said...

I like almond butter and apples.

Unknown said...

Snickers bars.

Brenda said...

I’ve been eating jelly belly energy beans and cliff goo!

Ashley Rivers said...

I usually fuel with humagel or untapped (maple syrup), since they both taste good and don’t bother my stomach. I’ve also had good luck with my kids’ fruit snacks and honey stinger chews

G said...

Apples with peanut butter works for quick energy.

Unknown said...


Laura McCarthy said...

Usually Nuun Electrolytes or Gatorade during races :)

Unknown said...

I'm good without fuel for runs fewer than 14-15 miles. Any mileage above that and I use Tailwind or Nuun and a GU. I haven't ever tried Probar.

Cass said...

I typically use GU but I also love the Sport Jelly Beans...I can’t reme what they’re called

Anonymous said...

I like to use a honey stingers product or sports beans.
Sadie B.

Unknown said...

Before I head out I eat Greek yogurt and peanut butter. And during I use Gatorade chews. Would like to try these and see how they are.

tj said...

I have a super hard time on the run. I’ve tried a few different gummies (haven’t tried pro bar yet) and have settled on Clif Shot Blocks, margarita flavor! Also, thanks to you and the best joke ever (Snoop Dogg... umbrella...) I’ve learned that my stomach likes Sis gel... hope I got that right.

Stephanie Kartalopoulos said...

my go-to has been black cherry or strawberry shot blocks, because the first time i tried them, they did not leave my stomach feeling really bad. i'm sort of a creature of habit and have been using the exact same thing in the 7-ish years i have been running...and i am open to trying new and different things!!!

Audrey Korosec said...

My pre long run feel is usually oatmeal with peanut butter and banana

Unknown said...

Lately, bananas and belvitas.

Smash Runner said...

Peanut butter and Pro bar gummies:)

Unknown said...

Banana and pb shakes, pasta the night before, rice cakes, granola!

Becky said...

I don't typically eat pre-run. I use GUs every four miles or ShotBlokz during my runs. And post-run it's always PB with, well, anything! ;)

Anonymous said...

I have not found a brand that I'm super loyal to, but Gu makes very low caffeine gels that have worked for me.

Keri said...

Swedish fish are my long run go to!

JLRicha said...

I'd love to give these a try! With 2 little kids, I usually bring some fruit snacks to fuel on my long runs:)

Mary said...

Honeystinger gels. Love the taste and consitency.

Andrea said...

Cliff Bars and GU Energy Gels

Unknown said...

oh yum!!!!

Steffanie Seiler said...

I have mostly only experimented with Gu energy gels and Clif Blocks during my long runs. I would prefer a bar to munch on but they either seem to hard to chew or they crumble. Open to suggestions!

caroline said...

banana and peanut butter

intrigue1 said...

Peanut butter or almonds.

Unknown said...

I recently switched to pro bar chews and love them so far!

Lisa3 said...

Love Pro Bar!

AnnieM said...

I love shot blocks for running fuel!

Wehaf said...

My longest runs are 10k, so I just have a banana afterwards and I'm good.

Unknown said...

I'm doing really low mileage right now because I'm just starting out so I dont typically need anything afterwards. But when I do I get a bagel with peanut butter.

Anonymous said...

Short runs are a banana, and long runs are... open for experiment. I've tried Nuun and Tailwind, and I know there are more options out there like Probar that I just haven't tried yet. Still looking for what works best for me!

mhb said...

Bowl of cereal and coffee before running, I've tried various products but just keep going back to gu mid-run. After running, chocolate milk!

Goldie said...

I like Honey Stingers!

Unknown said...

I would love this. I have a sensitive runners stomach and I go through so much fuel finding something that would work. I am running out of options. :)

Shannon said...

I fuel on the run with Gen UCAN now, but after my run, I love a good protein bar!

greeniejoey said...


Kim K. said...

Salted watermelon gus!

Juliana said...

I love a banana and some Ucan

nstinch54 said...

For a long run, I generally have a small snack about an hour beforehand of a banana and peanut butter. But during the run I fuel with GU packets (smores are so good, but I wish they had caffeine) or Honey Stinger chews (I love the cherry cola and fruit punch ones).

blew415 said...

Typically honey stinger waffles and sometimes gu

sarah said...

I like bars and dried fruit.

Unknown said...

I need new chews, I can't stand the consistency of most gels.

Anonymous said...

When I run...which isn't nearly enough...I power up with protein bars.

melissa said...

Probar! You turned me on to Probar - the texture of their gummies is much nicer than other brands.

Shelby said...

I love me a honey stinger waffle and some peanut butter :)
and during is usually a Cliff shot vanilla or cliff shot chews!

Gabby said...

I love using Gu chews or gels!

Carolyn said...

I usually use GU. And on super long runs when I need more than solid foods I eat Bobo's Oat Bars. Banana chocolate chip is my current jam!

Amie said...

Skratch Labs energy chews!

Carolyn said...

Anything the race provides! I tend to forget things at home so regular breakfast in the morning and whatever the race provides. Would love to try ProBar!

Elizabeth said...

I've always used sport beans, but am willing to try new things

Julie said...

I use Maurten so I usually don't need anything else but would and have used Huma Gels.

Bilqees Bano said...

dried fruits

Sarah White said...

A granola, Bolt chews, and Gatorade!

Jenny Mae Blankenberger said...

I lean toward GU but I'm always up for trying new things!

Wingingit247 said...

I haven’t tried these. I haven’t found the right nutrition option that doesn’t give me a stomach ache or the trots

cyndi br said...

smoothie drinks with protein and granola bars

Giant Sis said...

I don't do long runs - hahaha! But when I need to fuel up for whatever workout, I like an apple with peanut butter! (liz n)

Whitney Lunders said...

Honey stingers or gummy bears

Tyler G said...

Half a jar of peanut butter. Sometimes more lol

starzine said...

Trail mix.