Sunday, May 3, 2015

Workout Recap - Week 18

Sunday, April 26th – 4 mile run with the hubby, Foam Rolled & Stretched 

Monday, April 27th – 5 mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Tuesday, April 28th –  Strength Training (abs, back, arms and legs), Foam Rolled & Stretched

Wednesday, April 29th –  4 mile run on the treadmill, Foam Rolled & Stretched 

Thursday, April 30th – 19.5 mile bike rideFoam Rolled & Stretched

Friday, May 1st– 8 mile run, Foam Rolled & Stretched 

Saturday, May 2nd – REST DAY, Foam Rolled, & Stretched

TAPER TIME. My mileage is at an all time low right now - "only" a total of 21 running miles ALL WEEK! I am starting to pack and figure out my marathon outfit (harder said than done since I have so many choices!). I might be freaking out a bit lot, but only one more week before I am toeing the starting line of my fourth full marathon!

How were your workouts this past week? 

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