Thursday, June 14, 2018

REVIEW: Quest Protein Chips

When a HUGE box from Quest arrives at your doorstep you know you're in for a delicious treat! I hadn't ordered anything so wasn't sure what it was. I was STOKED when I opened the package and found their new tortilla style protein chips!

You see, they have had protein chips in their repertoire for a while now, but just recently added the new tortilla style chips to their bag of tricks. [They now have five flavors of chips to choose from - Ranch Tortilla Style, Nacho Cheese Tortilla Style, Cheddar & Sour Cream, Sour Cream & Onion, and BBQ.] I had seen a few posts on their Instagram feed about the new option, but they hadn't made it to our local grocery store yet so I hadn't been able to try them for myself.

Source: @questnutrition's Instagram feed

The magical delivery solved the problem before I had a chance to search out a solution for myself! Not only would I get the opportunity to try the new chip without having to go to the store, but Quest also sent a fun hat to rock while snacking!

Time for a taste test! The delivery actually came at the PERFECT time because the hubby and I were heading to go camping with some friends along the Kern River for the weekend and these would work great for our packed lunches.

The hubby and I both gave them two thumbs up! We liked the airy texture of the chips (they feel a little lighter than your average potato chip), the taste was yummy (I think Nacho Cheese was my favorite flavor but the hubby said he dug Ranch more) and you weren't left with any strange aftertaste (which can sometimes happen with some "health foods").

Now I know I don't necessarily need a billion and a half grams of protein in my diet, but if you have the hankering for chips it's nice to know they're filled with more than just your standard empty carbs. The Nacho Cheese flavor has 18 grams of protein and 4 net grams of carbs per bag, and the Ranch flavor has 19 grams of protein and 4 grams of net carbs per bag.

Which flavor would you want to try first?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love these protein chips, but I am disappointed that I can't find the Salt and Vinegar anymore. Those were my absolute favorite.