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This morning I got in 13.3 miles with the hubby (of course I rocked my sports bra because it is summer and the humidity that accompanies June Gloom can be horrendous), but I'm actually not here to talk specifically about this one run or even running in my sports bra... but something a little more. Something I've been wrestling with and feel like I need to confess.
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You see, a few weeks ago I was chatting with a friend on IG about the Rabbit crop tops (remember when I had the giveaway for $200 worth of their products?!). I told her that although I think they are SUPER cute, I couldn't get up the courage to order and rock one. It took me a while to figure it out, but I think it's because when I run in a sports bra it seems like it could have been a spur of the moment decision (like I was running with a shirt, got too hot and decided to take it off to cool down/ get more comfortable) whereas if I rocked a crop top that was the intent the whole time. I also have yet to run a race in my sports bra - because, let's be real, running around your neighborhood in a sports bra is one thing, but showing up to the start line of a race with thousands of other runners (not to mention photographers) takes a whole different level of bravery. I know, I know, it doesn't make a ton of sense, but isn't that how our insecurities normally are?! And if we don't speak them out loud we give them all the power and often don't see how cray-cray they truly are.
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I "joined" the #SportsBraSquad a while back, even though, at the time, I didn't feel strong or comfortable with my body. Shoot, there are still days (too many, if I'm being completely honest with myself {and with you}) I struggle to embrace the way my body physically looks. But WHY?! I am a runner. I am a marathoner. I am a Boston Qualifier. I am a Boston Marathoner. Not that you have to be those things to be strong, but those thing should be a constant reminder that I CAN do hard things, that I DO do hard things, that I AM STRONG! Why can't I be confident in my strength and rock it?!
My girl Kelly posed a couple questions on her podcast last week that spoke directly to my insecurities - Why do I care what others think about my body shape/ size?! What would happen if someone said something about me running/ working out in my sports bra?! I think she hit the nail on the head... It's not just about how I see myself, but in the back of my mind, no matter how often or adamantly I tell myself I don't care, it's also about what OTHERS think. I shouldn't care, but deep down I guess I do. And I obviously care too much because it effects my behavior. I CALL BS! THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!
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I deserve to feel strong and confident about my body! NO MATTER HOW I LOOK, I AM STRONG! We can't redefine what strength looks like unless we are willing to step up and step out and show the world that our worth isn't tied to our waist size! I put too much time and effort into being the strongest, healthiest version of myself to hide away in fear.
We've got to focus on what we say to ourselves and spend less time thinking about what OTHERS think or possibly say about us. Often times we're our own worst critics, but what we really need to do is be our own biggest cheerleaders! No matter what we look like, no matter what the number on the scale says, no matter what our waist size is, if we're working to become the best version of ourselves then we need CONFIDENTLY claim the badge of STRONG! We need to love our bodies for what they do (whether that's run a billion miles or just breathe), not just how they look. We need to embrace our strengths and work through our weaknesses. We need to rally behind our #BadassLadyGang because together we are a force to be reckoned with. We need to love ourselves and encourage others to love every single fiber of themselves too!
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Do you struggle with confidence?
Such a good post! Thank you for sharing. Slowly getting more comfortable with my version of strength one run at a time.
Strength and confidence (for me) was never came from my marathons, my ultras, my Ironman races, my swims from Alcatraz, or in the yoga studio or weight room. It was the fact that I made my own salary, had my own career, raised my kid and put her through college (by myself) and stuck with a rewarding 41 year career helping kids with special needs. THAT stuff is hard. Running and triathlon was just something to do when I had the time and was fun stuff.
take out the "was" above...apparently I am unable to edit...hummm..
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