Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Lent :: Healthy Habits

The hubby and I are not Catholic and do not actually participate in Lent, but I thought that it would be the perfect time to add in some healthy habits. Doing something with the intent of only having to follow through for 40 days makes the activity a little more doable in my mind. Also, since Lent starts today and it is the first day of the month I thought it was pretty perfect timing. So let's jump in and see what I'm going to commit to for at least the next 40 days.


We all know we are "supposed" to floss daily, but who actually does it? I used to be pretty good about it (flossing maybe four or five times a week), but lately I only bust out the floss when I've got something stuck between my teeth (corn-on-the-cob anyone?!). This will be the kick in the butt I need to get back on the bandwagon!


Apple Cider Vinegar

I've been hearing a ton about the benefits of apple cider vinegar lately. When I mentioned it to the hubby he was all about giving it a go. We actually started taking it two days ago, but I want to stick with it for at least 45 days to see if I am reaping any of the benefits. (PS In case you don't follow my Instagram stories, let's just say shooting it straight is a little rough, but I've found that diluting it in a cup of water and adding some fresh squeezed lemon and agave nectar helps it go down a lot easier.) (PPS {or is it PSS?} I plan on sharing post about my experience with it once I've given it the old college try.)


Squats & Push-Up Challenge

I originally saw this challenge on Stephanie's Instagram (@runtrimom) and wanted to jump on - the only issue was it was a couple days before the Mesa-PHX Marathon and I didn't want to overtax my legs before the race. The challenge is 30 days, so for the final 10 days of Lent I will just continue increasing the number of push-ups and squats by a few.


Give Up Sweets (i.e. cookies, candy, ice cream)

I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I do love some gummy treats every now and then. I don't think this will be crazy hard, but then again, maybe it will be eye opening on how often I nibble on a cookie or piece of candy here or there.


Three Positives

This one might be the hardest, but I also think it might be the most important. If you've been around these parts for an extended period of time you have probably picked up on the fact that self-esteem is something that I struggle with (shoot, hating myself is one of the only things I have perfected in my life, but then again, I've also had 32 years to get it down to a science). Sometimes you just have to fake it till you make it. I can't continue preaching that others should spread love if I can't even offer it to (or accept it) myself. So, the goal for the next 40 days is to pick three things a day that I love about myself and write them down. Maybe I'll share them with the world, maybe I'll keep them to myself, who knows. But all I know is I am going to start putting in the work so I can get on the path of accepting me for me.


I don't know if any of these habits will last long term (or if I will even see a benefit), but I am committing for the next 40 days to tackle these healthy habits and see what comes of them.

What healthy habits would you like to add to your routine?

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