Sunday, February 5, 2017

Workout Recap - Week 5

Sunday, January 29th – 8 mile run with the hubby, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Monday, January 30th – Strength Training (abs, back, legs and arms), 5 mile progression run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Tuesday, January 31st –  5 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Wednesday, February 1st – 90 minutes on the stationary bike, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Thursday, February 2nd – 5 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Friday, February 3rd –  20 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Saturday, February 4th – Rest Day, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Another week of 43 miles - I'll take it! I feel as though my pace for Friday's long run doesn't adequately describe the run... It was tough... It was long... There were breaks to stretch... But it is done! Now less than three weeks till my first full of the year! #ItsGoingDownAtPHX

How were your workouts this past week?

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