Sucks to say, but this 3-miler was harder than I would have liked at this point in the recovery process... COME ON LEGS! |
When we got back, I was posting the above picture on Instagram and scrolled down to see I had a TON of comments from one particular account.
I think this account literally commented on 30+ of my pictures... Guess they don't have anything better to do with their time... |
Like the title of this posts says, HATERS GONNA HATE! The hubby wanted to comment back something along the lines of "Your mom's mouth was open and awkward last night", but I told him that the person probably just wants attention and to incite some sort of response so the best thing to do is to ignore it (and block them for the future).
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#RealTalk - The reason that I do that "funny face" in my pictures is because I have terrible self esteem. The thought is, the less serious I am in a picture, the less I will critique and pick apart my flaws. I might come across as confident in social media (although I doubt it), but that's not the case.
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I am just over here in this little part of the InterWebs world trying to encourage others, be a positive light to those around me, and to hopefully let folks know that they have someone who is routing for them, that loves them and that wants to see them succeed. I don't need anyone trying to dull my sparkle (shoot, let's be real, I dull my own sparkle plenty, I don't need random IG creepers trying to dull it more).
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I feel like I have been getting beat up on a bit lately, which is what happens when you put yourself out there, I know, but it still sucks. Hurt people hurt people... I just wish I could give them a hug, sit down over a cup of hot chocolate and show them that tearing down others is NOT the way to build yourself up.
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Time to keep on keepin' on! Keep your head up and your heart strong, folks, WE FREAKIN' GOT THIS!
Have you ever received less than positive social media comments?
I love that you turned such a douchebag comment onto your Instagram account to something so positive. That's why you're such an incredible person. You are absolutely right. People who hate are usually just projecting their jealously. Ain't nobody got time for that. You keep your head up and that crazy smile on your face.
You will get sick of hearing this from me but I will say it again: YOU ARE AWESOME! Don't let ANYONE dim that light!
Ditto... Maybe that's why we make the same face?
Oh Carlee I am so sorry that someone decided to pick on you when you all try to do is be a positive light. Your signature open-mouthed photos are just you! I love it and I hope that one person's rude comments don't dull your sparkle! Keep inspiring!!
Carlee you are SUCH a light in the world! I love your positive attitude and outlook, even when some loser makes inappropriate comments in your IG (though I'd definitely be tempted to echo hubby's comment).
I'm sorry you're feeling beat up lately <3
I love this post Carlee! You are proof that you can find the positive in any situation!
You are inspiring, sweet and beautiful!! I'm lucky to call you a friend!
Anonymous haters are the worst - because they don't have the face to stand up to you in person.
You are probably the most joy-filled, happy, encouraging, thoughtful person on the interwebz. Though your happy face seems to be a front, I am certainly one (of a billion) who really takes in your light and enthusiasm and it DOES affect us in the best way possible. Your energy is contagious, even over social media and on your little corner of the interwebz.
Thanks for all you are and for sharing yourself so openly with us! <3
This breaks my heart to see and read. Carlee, you are an amazing person who wants nothing more than to inspire and make people happy. You're genuine and authentic and I love that about you. Keep smiling!!!
I hate when people make comments like that. I'm much like you where I come across positive and cheery, but in all reality I'm very insecure and critique myself every chance I get.
Thank you for being so positive and turning this frowny moment into a smile moment. You rock!
Having worked in restaurants and living in a big city you learn that some people just want to complain. Alex has a great outlook on these situations: you are dealing with miserable people who lead miserable lives and want others to be miserable too. They ain't worth it. You smile on, my smilely deer.
I am also pretty self-conscious and have done similar faces in my photos. I never took it as you were insecure, I always thought you were super excited! and seeing your excitement on IG and your blog always made me motivated to not skip my run. I haven't skipped in runs in like 3 weeks and I know its partly because of the SD accounts I follow including yours. I've discovered the world is cruel, but if we choose to ignore that and shine brightly then it doesn't affect us! So, you keep smiling brightly bc it's that excitement that creates a wonderful place to live!
Carlee, you and I are a lot alike. I also have self-esteem issues, which is part of why I became a coach and trainer: we adults need cheerleaders too. We need people in our corner telling us that we're worth the effort and that we're enough the way we are. I am in your corner. YOU, my friend, are an amazing person and like one of your photos up there says, you are a light that needs to shine in this world. You make people smile everyday with how open, genuine and real you are. Don't go changing a thing because someone else with self-esteem issues wants to rain on your parade. There's many of us out here that have your back!!
What the deuce is wrong with some people??? You are a light in the world, Carlee. You inspire and encourage and lead by example. While we may only get a glimpse into your life, via your social media accounts, it's enough for a peek to know that you are a person worth emulating, not tearing down. I can only hope that, over time, you learn to see yourself the way that we see you! <3
You handled that with much more grace then many of us would. As someone who only knows you through social media I can only say that your genuine spirit and big heart are evident in everything you post. so glad you aren't going to let this person dull your sparkle. :-) Keep moving forward and know that you are a positive and encouraging light to many who you will never even meet. Can't wait to read your recap about the Run Revel.
I have so much admiration for how you handled the hater. You are such a positive influence in the instagram and blogging worlds, as well as the world around you. That person doesn't deserve a response that isn't you. While I hope this never happens to you (or anyone else) again, you have definitely shown how to handle it with grace!
And those sketchers? SO CUTE.
Haters gonna hate! I've read some not so nice things about me on the inter webs too and it hurts a lot but it's all part of putting yourself out there . I personally think you are such an inspiring blogger and runner and you have nothing to be insecure about! Keep on keeping on and remember even the most "perfect" people have haters!
I love you, Carlee!!!!! You bring so much light and joy to the world. The things you do, the way you value everybody and everything, it reminds all of us in your little part of the interwebs how important it is to be NICE and KIND!!!!! Keep being rad because sometimes your positivity is the thing that snaps me out of a funk!
Keep Shinning!
I'm like you, I wear my heart on my sleeve, but hey, we are the real deal. What you see is what you get. We love you for who you are and what you portray to others. (and FYI, I never, ever would have taken from any of your posts that you struggle with self esteem!!) I love your honesty and compassion for others. You are inspiring to so many and it's evident to everyone. My very favorite quote from the lovely Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
What a shame! Like many others have already said - some people just want to complain and some people are so miserable that they can't stand seeing other people full of joy. Don't change a thing you do!! You are perfect just as you are!! And you're from Michigan which ups your "awesomeness" quotient. Whoop Whoop!! :)
Girl, keep on keeping on. You come across so confident and I love the sense of humor. I have some self esteem issues also, so I get where you are coming from but I think you rock ;)
I love your enthusiasm and ability to come away from any situation looking for the good. I'm half-tempted to track down the troll that left those comments and leave a few choice words (or emoji 💩) on their account, but I won't; not because they don't deserve it, but because they only feel better making others feel worse. Not worth my time or energy.
To answer your question, writing is a huge passion of mine. I don't take negative feedback very well, so the fear of trolls leaving unkind words -- which I hate to admit -- has kept me from writing consistently and promoting my blog.
You truly are a shining star and a huge inspiration. Thank you for all the kindness you've showed me!
I love this post because I hate everything about the way I look and I hate posing for photos. I am either posed like a smiling robot, or doing something absolutely ridiculous. Since the latter makes me happy - that's what I do most often. ;)
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