Saturday, November 8, 2014

Workout Recap - Week 45

Sunday, November 2nd – 8 miles with the hubby, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Monday, November 3rd –  5 mile (easy pace) run

Tuesday, November 4th –  Strength Training (abs, back, arms and legs), Foam Rolled & Stretched

Wednesday, November 5th – 19.2 mile bike ride

Thursday, November 6th – 5 mile (tempo pace) run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Friday, November 7th – 12 mile (long run pace) run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Saturday, November 8th – 2 mile warm up (parked in the wrong place), Veterans Day 5K2 mile cool down (had to get back to the car anyway, why not run?), Foam Rolled & Stretched 

My foam rolling and stretching has been slacking this week. I normally do it while Ryan is watching TV and I am getting ready for bed, but it hasn't been done as regularly this week and my legs can definitely tell. With the increase in mileage (37 miles this week) and back-to-back runs I need to make sure I keep my legs as loose as possible.

How were your workouts this past week?  

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