Saturday, October 11, 2014

Workout Recap - Week 41

Sunday, October 5th – Rest Day, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Monday, October 6th –  4 mile (easy pace) run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Tuesday, October 7th –  Strength Training (abs, back, arms and legs), Foam Rolled & Stretched

Wednesday, October 8th – 6 mile (tempo pace) run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Thursday, October 9th – 21 mile bike ride, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Friday, October 10th – 16 mile (long run pace) run, Foam Rolled & Stretched

Saturday, October 11th The Color Run with the hubby, Foam Rolled & Stretched

This week's tempo run went great. My long run, on the other hand, wasn't as strong (I felt like I was struggling to keep my LR pace). I KNOW not all runs can be great ones, but sometimes I really, really, really wish they could be... All-in-all, I got all of my mileage in, at or faster than the pace I was supposed to, so I will consider it a success and move on to next week.

**Side note. I originally thought that Ryan had a 17 miler on the schedule for tomorrow. Since I was the one that nudge him to sign up for the three halves he is running with me, I feel like I need to do his long runs with him. I JUST looked at the calendar and he has a 5-miler. With that being said, WE ARE HEADED TO DISNEYLAND FOR THE DAY TOMORROW!! I guess it will be a very active "rest day". :)

How were your workouts this past week?  

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