Monday, June 30, 2014

Guest Blogger RECAP

Remember when I was out of town and had four AMAZING guest bloggers lined up?! Just in case you missed the posts, I wanted to do a quick recap of what they had to say and link back to the original post so you can go and read them when you get the chance. {I originally made the pictures below for Instagram posts, but seeing as we had ZERO service while we were gone they didn't get published... Thankfully I set up the Tweets and auto-scheduled the blogs.}

First up was Danielle from Live, Run, Grow who posted about Back-to-Back Races. I have done a few back-to-back races in the past and have more coming up on my schedule (the Dumbo Double Dare at Disneyland in August and the Dopey Challenge at Walt Disney World in January), so it is GREAT to get some tips on how to survive and thrive during those challenges!

Next we had Brandon, the founder of #VegRunChat, blog about Can Running Be Fun? For me, running has always been a blast. I mean, sure, getting in shape stinks, but staying in shape can be AWESOME. I have never seen it as something that I "have" to do, but more of something that I am blessed to be able to do. With that being said, I know there are some folks out there that dread running, so I am stoked Brandon was able to give tips on how to make running more enjoyable.

Shane from Shoots Kden Aloha was up next talking about Racing Your First Marathon. I ran my first full marathon in May, and although it was AMAZE-BALLS it wasn't the race I was hoping to have. I loved reading through someone else's tips on what they felt was most important while training and running your first marathon. (I'm pretty sure I will keep these in mind when I run my next one too...)

We rounded out the week of guest posts with Dani from Weight Off My Shoulders, who posted about whether you can Run For Time AND Fun. Although I "know" not every race can be a PR (personal record), I sure do wish they could be... Even so, I need to take to heart some of the suggestions Dani made about ENJOYING the run and living in the moment, NOT in the finishing time! (This will be a work in progress, I am sure, but one that I hope I can work towards...)

Again, a HUGE thanks to all of my guest bloggers! I know it took a lot of the stress off of me (having to pre-write a bunch of posts) and hopefully you all got a lot out of it and enjoyed the variety! If you haven't yet, please make sure to follow them all on social media - each of them are ROCKSTARS!

Did you have a favorite guest blogger? 

1 comment:

The Silent Assassin said...

Yeah that Shoots guy was pretty funny. Being a pretty new blogger, I'm rooting for that guy! Sounds like cool, genuine dude. I hope he's appreciative of the opportunity you gave him. I would be ;).