Monday, April 1, 2024

Workout Recap - Week 13

Sunday, March 24th  3 mile run with the hubby

Monday, March 25th –  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, March 26th – HIIT workout

Wednesday, March 27th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike

Thursday, March 28th – 7 mile run

Friday, March 29th  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Saturday, March 30th – Rest Day

Due to having to cover coworker's weekend shifts earlier in the month, I had off Thursday-Sunday this week, which is why I had a midday seven miler on Thursday. Unfortunately for me, my period started on Wednesday, and with it comes extremely bad cramps, so when I went out for a 12 mile run on Thursday, I knew I would have to shorten it. Oh yeah and then the rains came and I didn't feel like going out during the flood warnings (with no races on the calendar, it's easier to pass on inclement weather ;)), so I didn't get in a "long run" this week, but since I'm just running for me, I'm okay with that.

How were your workouts this past week?

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