Monday, May 1, 2017

Periods Happen... Period! (& GIVEAWAY)

I'm going to warn the men who read my blog (while I love you dearly), today we're discussing a topic that plagues women and I assume if you continue reading you may run away from your computer screaming "I'M NOT LISTENING!" So, with that out of the way (and, men, if you are still reading, don't say I didn't warn you), now we can begin ;)

Periods. They are the pits. Period.


But, you know what?! WOMEN ARE STRONG AF! I mean, legitimately, who (or what) else do you know that can bleed for days on end without dying?! Chuck Norris can't even claim a feat like that and I hear he is the epitome of a B.A.!


Periods are just one of the many inconveniences (and NORMAL BODILY FUNCTIONS... so let's drop the stigma and talk about this stuff like the mature ladies we are) that women must come to enjoy bare. THANKS A LOT EVE!


Let's be honest, there is nothing I would enjoy more than cuddling up with my pup and some chocolate when Aunt Flow comes to visit, but you probably know me well enough to know that I will let VERY LITTLE get in the way of my fitness routine. I've got major goals on the horizon and I can't be down for the count - especially one out of every four weeks! Thankfully there are companies out there that are willing to try and make "shark week" a little more manageable.

I'm sure you've heard of U by Kotex®, but did you know they recently launched a new line of products to help women stay active while on their periods? U by Kotex® FITNESS*. The new product launch includes three distinct offerings:

You know I've always gotta get my run on... no matter what time of the month it is!

And, shoot doggy, they sent me some of the goodies to try out! I will leave out the bloody details, but let's just say they did the job and they did it well. I am a tampon kind of gal, and I love that the packaging is sturdy and inconspicuous. You can easily throw a couple of these into your running belt or handheld so you're prepared on your next long run.

Some of the things I take with me on a longer run - PROBAR Bolt chews for
fuel, a couple dollars in case I need to stop for hydration, my car or house key,
Sun Bum lip balm, extra hair ties, my phone and a back-up tampon.

Today you can win a prize pack from U by Kotex® FITNESS* - which includes Ultra Thin Pads With Wings (Regular {15 count}), Folded & Wrapped Liners (Regular {40 count}) and Compact Tampons (Regular, Super {15 count}).

Entering is easy, all you need to do it use the Rafflecopter widget below and put your name in to win. This giveaway will last one week with a single winner being selected, winning the three products. Easy peasy, so hurry and enter NOW!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway runs through Sunday, May 7th at 11:59pm PST. The winner will be contacted via the email address associated with their Rafflecopter account and have 24 hours to claim their prize. All entries are verified, so be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected (I don't want you missing out due to a technicality).

But just in case you don't win, don't you worry your pretty little head! You're all winners in my book and can still #FindYourFITNESS. Everyone loves a free sample, so make sure to head over and get yours today at


Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by U by Kotex® and FitFluential, although all opinions are 100% my own and completely honest.


Krissy said...

Hmm. I have not had a period in two years!

KookyRunner said...

Women are strong AF! I get my periods regularly but I always work out during my period. Knowing that I will be be "protected" with no leaks is an amazing feeling!

Jennifer said...

The bloating stinks, as I get older I feel like I get puffier during that time.

Unknown said...

the lower back cramps!

Anonymous said...

I hate the bloating... I had a race this weekend and lets just say every race pic was horrible because of the bloating going on. Great race, great finishing time, pics were all terrible. Total bummer.

Amy Jo said...

The cramps and no energy, especially after running 16 miles.

Unknown said...

Definitely the cramps and general lack of energy!

Tracy said...

Lack of energy for sure.

Shiduna Townsend said...

It's a toss up between, cramps, lack of energy and food cravings!

Anonymous said...

the older I get the heavier the flow.....

Sarah said...

The cramps and moodiness are the worst!

Running Betty said...

My least favorite part is worrying about leakage/staining at work.

Mari said...

All the extra sugar cravings and cramps are the worst!!

Unknown said...

i always have extra craving for dark choclate

Danielle G said...

My leg muscles always feel tighter during my period. I feel like I don't run as well

Jenn S said...

I hate the extra water weight I gain-- it's definitely a "stay away from the scale" time for me.

Unknown said...

Cramps, can't stand them lol had surgery to help reduce for me, but now I've had to start watching my daughter suffer :(

bexisrad said...

For about 2 days of my period I have debilitating cramps and bleed SUPER heavy. To the point that I am almost 100% guaranteed to bleed through my tampon, especially if I run :(

Rachel said...

Pain!!! It's usually only one or two days but it's almost unbearable!!

Coach Henness said...

Females are strong as hell!

Anonymous said...

Cramps and sluggishness

kellyr78 said...

The bloating is the worst part for me.

Heather said...

My least favorite part is the bleeding and not wanting to wear some of my favorite clothes, especially when working out.

Nataly Carbonell said...

My least favorite part about periods is having to go to the toilet (#2). It feels awful, especially when I have bad cramps.

Jessica To said...

My least favorite part is the crankiness and tiredness before it starts.

Elena said...

the bleeding is my least favorite part

Unknown said...

My least favorite part is the migraines and the cramps that I get! I also don't like how inconvenient it is!!!!

Madonna said...

as I age periods have become more icky. When I was younger I never even paid any attention but now they seem more drama filled.

Lauren said...

Cramps are the worst.

Ashley said...

Bloating and the cravings! I am like a bottomless pit during that time.

Unknown said...

The cramps. They can be pretty awful.

Tabathia B said...

The bleeding and duration of my period is always a long time, diarrhea and being uncomfortable with the bloating

Terra Heck said...

My least favorite part is the heavy flow and worrying if it's going to leak through. Thanks.

Brandi D. said...

I literally want to eat anything and everything. This combined with the bloating makes for a rough week. I'm sure my husband wants to stay away from me for a little bit because I'm grumpy... then really emotional and will cry. Hahaha.

Unknown said...

The cramps and bloating are the worst part of having a period I think. The rest seems to be easier to manage but when the cramps come, it's all over for me.

Laura S said...

The moment when you don't have a pad but need one...

Anonymous said...

The cramps are the worst part for me.

Jennifer Marie

mijulin said...

the lack of energy



Jessica Gipson said...

I hate the bloating and cramps.

Mita said...

Lack of energy

Chrissy said...

How sad and grumpy it makes me feel; that's the worst!

Unknown said...

I hate feeling sluggish and bloated!

Nidhi said...

cramps and no energy

akronugurl said...

i hate cramps

Manda said...

The cramps.

Shannon @GirlsGotSole said...

Back pain and cramping!