Sunday, February 2, 2025

Workout Recap - Week 5

Sunday, January 26th  12 mile run

Monday, January 27th –  55 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, January 28th – 6 mile run

Wednesday, January 29th –  Rest day

Thursday, January 30th – 4 mile run

Friday, January 31st  30 minutes on the stationary bike

Saturday, February 1st – 28.5 mile hike (joining a friend while he section hikes the PCT)

This week was fun. Instead of a longer run on Saturday the hubby and I joined a friend of ours who is section hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and got in 28.5 miles. It was a long day (almost 10 hours of hiking), but the views were stunning and the weather was almost perfect. Now that I'm not officially running the LA Marathon I can do adventures like this and I'm not overly worried about not hitting a number on a training plan. Here's to hoping this helps me find the joy in running again. 

How were your workouts this past week?

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