Sunday, December 29, 2024

Workout Recap - Week 52

Sunday, December 22nd  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Monday, December 23rd –  4 mile run

Tuesday, December 24th – 9 mile run

Wednesday, December 25th –  4 mile run

Thursday, December 26th – 30 minutes on the stationary bike

Friday, December 27th  Rest day

Saturday, December 28th – 7 mile run (4 with the hubby, 3 solo)

This week was a little wonky because of Christmas (I was off on Tuesday and Wednesday, which meant I could do longer runs midweek and not have to worry about waking up before the buttcrack of dawn ;)), not to mention I started my period at the end of last week which means my cramps were killer and I didn't want to do much. I still got in all of my workouts, they were just a little out of order. Since I'm technically using a marathon training plan for the LA Marathon come March (I'm still not officially registered for it... maybe I should look into that soon), this cutback week of my long runs means we are only going longer on the weekends now. I think this is the last time for a while that my long run is in the single digits. 

How were your workouts this past week?

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