Sunday, December 8, 2024

Workout Recap - Week 49

Sunday, December 1st  6 mile run (first 4 with the hubby, last 2 solo)

Monday, December 2nd –  30 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, December 3rd – 3.1 mile run

Wednesday, December 4th – 30 minutes on the stationary bike

Thursday, December 5th – 3.1 mile run

Friday, December 6th  Rest day

Saturday, December 7th – 6 mile run

Workouts for the week - check. The only thing I slightly changed was instead of my normal 60 minutes on the bike I did 30. I just wasn't feeling it, so on Monday and Wednesday I listened to my audiobook for a bit and then called the ride short (no, I didn't get off and do something fun, just housework before jumping in the shower and heading to work). At least I got my legs moving and am keeping the routine chugging along. This week was a 'cutback' week so my Sunday long run wasn't too long, but I'll be starting to go longer again next week (this was week five of the March marathon training plan).

How were your workouts this past week?

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