2022 has come to a close and I tackled nine races this year. Although it may be fewer than pre-pandemic, I'm still proud of what I was able to accomplish - especially seeing as one of the races was my FIRST 100-MILER! In case you missed any of the recaps when they first went up, I've linked them below so you can read them now (or for a second or third time ;)).
Old West Trails 50K
Run with the Burros Trail Marathon
Leona Divide 50K
Bishop High Sierra Ultras 53K
Nanny Goat 12-Hour Race
Yeti 100-Mile Washington Endurance Race
Lake Hodges Trail Fest 50K
TCS NYC Marathon
California International Marathon
The breakdown of my official races is: three marathons (two road and one trail), three 50Ks, one 53K, one 12-Hour and one 100-Miler. I'm stoked, especially seeing as after the first race of the year I was injured and had to go to physical therapy for MONTHS (walking the majority of my miles when training for my 100-miler). With that said, most of the races were either rescheduled races from COVID or events I was using as training runs while getting ready for longer races. But, hey, I'm thrilled for any and all races where I'm healthy enough to make it to the start (and finish) line! Here's to 2023!
How many races did you tackle in 2022?
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