Sunday, October 3, 2021

Workout Recap - Week 40

Sunday, September 26th – 8.58 mile run 

Monday, September 27th – 15.15 mile run

Tuesday, September 28th – 90 minutes on the stationary bike

Wednesday, September 29th – 7.27 mile run

Thursday, September 30th – 90 minutes on the stationary bike

Friday, October 1st – 13.13 mile run

Saturday, October 2nd – Rest Day

Normally Fridays are my rest days, then I run longer on the weekends because I don't have to work, but this week I had a slightly different schedule at the running store due to a coworker being out of town (I had to work Tuesday - Saturday instead of Monday - Friday), which impacted my running schedule a bit. I also cut my Wednesday run short because my body wasn't having it (my legs felt overly tired and I was having tummy troubles, leading me to feel as though I was just running from bathroom to bathroom on my route). Even with these little hiccups, I still was able to have a fairly strong week - getting in over 44 miles. Oh yeah, and it seems as though fall temps might be on their way - WHOOO HOOO! Well, not during the day (it's still getting into the 80s), but before the sun comes up it's actually been cool the last couple mornings (in the 50s!). The body is definitely feeling a bit of fatigue these days (more from the lack of sleep than from the workouts), so I think next week will be a bit of a lower mileage week so I can sleep in a little more in the mornings.

How were your workouts this past week?

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