Sunday, December 27, 2020

Workout Recap - Week 52

Sunday, December 20th – 5 mile run (Day 7 - Twelve Days of Yeti), 5.15 mile run

Monday, December 21st – 13.31 mile run (Day 8 - Twelve Days of Yeti)

Tuesday, December 22nd – 4.44 mile run (Day 9 - Twelve Days of Yeti)

Wednesday, December 23rd – 6 mile run (Day 10 - Twelve Days of Yeti), 5 mile run

Thursday, December 24th – 10.10 mile run {2 mile warm-up, 5K at 100%, 5 mile cool-down} (Day 11 - Twelve Days of Yeti) 

Friday, December 25th – 12.25 mile run (Day 12 - Twelve Days of Yeti)

Saturday, December 26th – Rest Day

After 12 days straight of running (I usually take at least one complete rest day a week and one day of cross training {like biking or yoga}), my body was itching for a rest day - not only to let the legs rest, but sleeping until 6:30am instead of 4am... Don't get me wrong, I loved the Twelve Days of Yeti (and will have a complete recap of the challenge next week), but my body was ready for a break. Here's to finishing the year strong and healthy (can't believe next week will be 2021!)!

How were your workouts this past week?

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