Sunday, September 15, 2024

Workout Recap - Week 37

Sunday, September 8th  5 mile run

Monday, September 9th –  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, September 10th – 4 mile run

Wednesday, September 11th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike

Thursday, September 12th – 4 mile lunch run

Friday, September 13th  Rest day

Saturday, September 14th – Rest day

Normally two rest days in a row can be concerning, but don't worry, I'm not injured, we were just doing house work on Saturday and the day got away from me, so I considered building a pergola a 'functional workout' and left it at that ;) I'd say it's very nice since the heatwave broke and we're back to our normal 70s and sunny weather (I'd love less humidity, but if it's helping fight the fires we have burning throughout the state I'm okay so they get a little relief). FALL'S COMING!

How were your workouts this past week?

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