Sunday, May 10, 2020

Workout Recap - Week 19

Sunday, May 3rd – 9 solo miles and 6 miles with the hubby 

Monday, May 4th – 4.44 mile run, Foam Rolled and Stretched 

Tuesday, May 5th – 45 minute yoga class, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Wednesday, May 6th – 7.57 mile run, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Thursday, May 7th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Friday, May 8th  East Coast vs West Coast 50K (#IRunWithMaud), Foam Rolled and Stretched

Saturday, May 9th – Rest Day, Foam Rolled and Stretched

59.24 miles for the week (including a 32.23 mile run) - BOOYA! And the body feels surprisingly well after that long run this week. My right hip flexor is a little tight, but nothing a few days of some extra love and foam rolling can't take care of. Next week will be a cut back week, with less mileage (maybe 35 or so), and then I'll be back in the 50ish miles per week for another few weeks. Since I don't technically have any races on the calendar until October and November (and who knows if those will stay or get cancelled/ postponed), I don't have a running schedule currently - just running on feel and doing what I want. It'll be nice to have a plan and be working towards something, but, for now, I'll enjoy the freedom I'm allotted.

How were your workouts this past week?

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