Saturday, May 30, 2020

Workout Recap - Week 22

Sunday, May 24th – 15 mile run, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Monday, May 25th – 15.5 miles (2 solo 10Ks and 3 miles with the hubby)

Tuesday, May 26th – 45 minute yoga class, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Wednesday, May 27th – 8.2 mile run

Thursday, May 28th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Friday, May 29th  13.2 mile run, Foam Rolled and Stretched

Saturday, May 30th – 13.1 mile run with the hubby {McDot Baker's Dozen}, Foam Rolled and Stretched

One of my highest mileage weeks in a while (65 miles), capped off with a donut hole half marathon. I will share about the adventure on Monday, but for now I will say I was NOT built for food challenges (although the hubby obviously was ;)). 

How were your workouts this past week?

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