Sunday, February 2, 2020

Workout Recap - Week 5

Sunday, January 26th – 10.10 mile run

Monday, January 27th – 8.24 mile run

Tuesday, January 28th – 8 mile run

Wednesday, January 29th – Rest Day

Thursday, January 30th – 2.5 hours on the stationary bike

Friday, January 31st  8 mile run

Saturday, February 1st – 8 mile run

Eight is great... or at least that's what my training plan seemed to think this week. Lots of 8 mile runs, but I was able to get in a bike ride and all of my runs, so I will consider it a success. Although I am technically tapering for the Mesa Marathon (even if I am using it as a training run for my 50K in March) my legs don't feel as rested as I would like this close to a marathon... Guess I am just getting them used to running tired... Here's to hoping the body feels great come race day.

How were your workouts this past week?

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