Sunday, January 19, 2020

Workout Recap - Week 3

Sunday, January 12th – 10 mile run with the hubby

Monday, January 13th – 6.2 mile run

Tuesday, January 14th – 6.2 mile run

Wednesday, January 15th – Rest Day

Thursday, January 16th – 20.20 mile run

Friday, January 17th  10.10 mile run

Saturday, January 18th – Rest Day

Technically I guess I "should have" done a ride on the stationary bike either Wednesday or Saturday, but since I had to work open to close at the running store both days an extra rest day was totally fine with me. I'm still getting the hang of fitting in all of my runs with working 40+ hours a week (this week was extra busy because we added the Carlsbad Marathon Expo last minute so I offered to work a couple extra shifts I normally wouldn't have had to work), but as long as I'm getting in all of my runs I'm stoked. And now I technically have a couple of "taper" weeks before the Mesa Marathon (even though that race will just be another long run in my training for the LA Marathon and Old West Trails 50K ;)).

How were your workouts this past week?

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