Sunday, May 19, 2024

Workout Recap - Week 20

Sunday, May 12th  5 mile trail run with the hubby 

Monday, May 13th –  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, May 14th –  Rest Day (due to a bad belly)

Wednesday, May 15th – HIIT workout

Thursday, May 16th – 4 mile lunchtime run

Friday, May 17th  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Saturday, May 18th – 6 mile run

Oh golly gee... Saturday's run was supposed to be 10 miles (I was doing a route where I went out 3, back 3, then a 1 mile loop, then out 1.5, back 1.5, so I would be back at the car at 6, 7 and 10 in case I needed to fill water/ use the restroom). Well, around mile 5 I got STUNG IN THE EYE BY A BEE! Ok, maybe not IN the eye, but when I was running, a bee somehow flew bethind my glasses, got stuck between the frame and my face and shot its stinger into me! Since I was back at the car at mile 6 and had shaky hands so I didn't feel comfortable pulling out the stinger myself, I called the run and drove home so the hubby could get it out with tweezers. Besides that, all of my other workouts seem much tamer ;)

How were your workouts this past week?

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