Sunday, September 3, 2023

Workout Recap - Week 35

Sunday, August 27th  13.13 mile run

Monday, August 28th – 55 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, August 29th –  4 mile run 

Wednesday, August 30th – 9 mile run

Thursday, August 31st – 4 miles of hills

Friday, September 1st  Rest Day

Saturday, September 2nd – 12 mile run

I had some good runs, I had some difficult runs, but I'm stoked to say I got in all of my runs. This humidity is absolutely zapping my energy (and, let's be real, starting a half marathon midday when it's in the mid-80s and 90% humidity is normally NEVER a good idea), but here's to hoping it will skit-skat-skaboodle soon! This was technically a cutback week, so my legs appreciated the shorter long run on the weekend, but now we're heading into the thick of it. LET'S GO!

How were your workouts this past week?

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