Sunday, July 4, 2021

Workout Recap - Week 27

Sunday, June 27th – 10.10 mile run

Monday, June 28th – 90 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, June 29th – 10.10 mile run

Wednesday, June 30th – 90 minutes on the stationary bike

Thursday, July 1st – 10.10 mile run

Friday, July 2nd – Rest Day

Saturday, July 3rd – 13.13 mile run with the hubby

After a sluggish week of runs last week, this week felt not half bad. Had a couple of runs on the speedier side and then got in a half marathon with the hubby (the schedule called for 12 miles, but he was feeling going and said he wanted to shoot for 13.1... YES PLEASE!). The humidity is pretty dreadful lately, which makes running a bit of a soggy slog, but at least the temps aren't nearly as bad as parts of the country are dealing with. July's work schedule is a little screwy (one of our employees left because he was going away to college and we haven't hired a replacement yet so it's all hands on deck) but I'm hoping to still squeeze in my runs. PS June was my highest mileage month of the year! WHOOO HOOO! 

How were your workouts this past week?

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