Monday, June 24, 2019

Workout Recap - Week 25

Sunday, June 16th – 10 mile run with the hubby, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Monday, June 17th – 90 minutes on the stationary bike, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Tuesday, June 18th – 4 mile progression run

Wednesday, June 19th – 12 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Thursday, June 20th – 6.43 mile run {1 mile warm-up, 6 x .25 mile repeats with .1 mile rests between, 3.33 mile cool-down}, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Friday, June 21st  Rest day, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Saturday, June 22nd – 10 mile run, Stretched & Foam Rolled

Although my workout didn't go quite as planned on Thursday (went in thinking I would do 1 mile warm-up, 12 x .25 mile repeats with .1 mile rest and a 1 mile cooldown, but by repeat number 4 I knew that wasn't going to happen so cut it to 1 mile warm-up, 6 x .25 mile repeats with .1 mile rest and extended my cooldown to 3.33 miles), I am still proud of how my longer hard effort run on Wednesday went (which could have definitely been a contributing factor as why my legs didn't have the gas in them the following morning for my speed work). I am technically in a mini taper since I have a 50K on Saturday, so I will enjoy the fewer miles for the time being before I ramp up one last time for my 50-miler in July.

How were your workouts this past week?

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