Monday, September 18, 2017

Boston Marathon Registration

Today was the first step... okay, maybe more like step #63,794, but it was a BIG step... in realizing a GIANT goal of mine... one I've been chasing for quite some time... Today I put my name in the hat for the 2018 Boston Marathon.

Today I did a thing!

For those of you who don't know, the Boston Marathon is one of the oldest and most prestigious marathons IN THE WORLD! Unlike most other races, Boston requires participants to qualify (or run as a charity runner and raise bookoo bucks). The qualification process is intense and some runners try their entire running career to claim a coveted spot.


And the crazy thing is... even if you qualify, it doesn't automatically guarantee you a spot in the race. The way they allow runners to apply is by opening registration to those runners who beat their required time by the most time (i.e. runners who ran a time better than 20 minutes faster than their qualifying time are allowed to register first, then runners who ran a time better than 10 minutes faster than their qualifying time are allowed to register next, then runners who ran a time better than 5 minutes faster than their qualifying time are allowed to register, then open registration begins).

Can we just say OUCH?!

With limited number is spots, the faster runners gobble up the entries first and then we are left to see what the actual cut-off time is. In the past few years, the required time has ranged from 1:02 to 2:28 better than the qualifying time. I've been reading a few articles and the predicted cut-off time for the 2018 race seems to be estimated around 1:50 faster.

Source@BostonMarathon's Instagram Feed

My current BQ {Boston Qualifying} time is 3:30:50, which I ran at the St. George Marathon in October. (Yup, it was only a couple weeks after the deadline for the 2017 race so technically I've been waiting for almost a year to see if my time will be fast enough to secure me a spot.) The requirement for a 33 year old female is 3:35, so I have a 4:10 buffer.

From everything I've read and the data I've seen thus far, it would seem as though my time would be fast enough, but only time will tell... So, now it's just a bit of a waiting game... But thankfully I'm good at waiting... Okay, truth be told, I may not be the most patient person out there, but I have technically been waiting since October 1st, 2016 {the window closed for the 2017 race on September 15th, 2016}, so what's another couple days?!


PS I've had folks ask me about future Boston Marathon races (for example, I'm currently training to PR/ BQ the Chicago Marathon in a couple weeks and since it would be for the 2019 race they want to know if I would go to Boston if I, God willing, qualify again). Currently, I think Boston would be a one-and-done for me. I may totally change my mind once I get there and experience everything, but currently I think with the cost the race (and trip), I want to go and experience every bit of magic the race (and city) has to offer, but then let others have the opportunity to do it as well. Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I won't shoot for future BQs (even if I get in this go-around for the 2018 race, there is a ton of time between now and April so in case I would happen to get injured or sick or who knows what, then at least I would have a shot for a future race), but I think I may only run Boston one time.

A friend sent me this tee when I qualified last year. I have only worn it once (on Patriots Day earlier this year for
the 2017 Boston Marathon) because I didn't want to jinx it, but I thought I could use all the extra Boston luck today!

And I can't conclude this post without a quick sidebar... For those of you who have been following along on my journey, I want to offer a deep and heartfelt THANK YOU! You all have believed in me even when I haven't believed in myself. You continually encourage me to chase down my dreams, no matter how outlandish or unattainable I think they may be. Yes, running the Boston Marathon is a personal goal of mine, but getting there was anything but an individual effort. You all have played a role in this journey and for that I will be forever grateful! So again and again - THANK YOU!

What giant goal are you chasing down?


BarkingMadRun said...

good luck!

Stephany Donovan said...

Fingers crossed for you ������

Nicole said...

Good luck! Fingers crossed for you!

Unknown said...

Best of luck!! I would love to one day run Boston but I'll be happy if I just get into NY Marathon. I did Chicago last year and absolutely loved it!!

Breathe Deeply and Smile said...

Best of luck, lady! I got in and hope you do too so we can both run Boston in April :)

Caitlin said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I ran Boston as a charity runner in 2016 and it was amazing. I was supposed to be running Chicago this year, but I hurt my back partway through my training cycle and had to defer. But I'll be sending you some positive vibes for a new shiny PR in a few weeks!

Unknown said...

Fingers crossed for you and my bf whose BQ time is only 2 minutes faster than the requirement. I've ran Boston 2x before, but with a charity, so I am looking to BQ at Philly in November. I hope you get in and come visit us in Boston! - Kim K.

Ben and Jack's Momma said...

Good luck to you Carlee!! Im not even close to fast Ill be living vicariously though you! :)