Thursday, December 1, 2016

Day 1 of 12 Days of Carlee's Christmas

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Whether you've been following along on my journey since I started this blog TEN YEARS AGO or you stopped by for the first time today - WELCOME!

And no matter how long you've been visiting, you picked an AMAZING time to pop in because we're celebrating my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas {read my post announcing this series HERE if you don't know what I'm talking about}.

Today is Day 1 of my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas! And the prize today is pretty FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC! Although, to be honest, all of the prizes are AMAZEBALLS! If I could enter my own giveaways I'm pretty sure I would enter each and every one of them in this series because they are just that AWESOMESAUCE.

Up for grabs today is: 1 Holiday Edition RunnerBox.

If you've been around these parts for a while you may remember that I used to be an ambassador for this company. (FYI: The only reason I'm no longer an ambassador was to give other folks an opportunity - absolutely nothing to do with the company, people, product, etc! There is nothing but pure love and total respect between us all!)


If you haven't heard of RunnerBox before, let me give you the deets. RunnerBox is a bi-monthly subscription box filled with products geared towards runners (they also offer a TriBox and CycleBox). The box arrives every other month, shipped right to your front door, filled with products such as energy bars, gels, chews, protein shakes, and accessories.


Not only do they offer monthly subscription options, they also sell one-time gift boxes for things such as birthdays, race survival kits, etc. A couple of weeks ago they released their 2016 Holiday Edition RunnerBox and I was lucky enough to claim one of these coveted boxes for YOU (well, if you are the winner of this giveaway that is)!


Whether you are a runner trying to win this for yourself or you have a loved one who would enjoy this as a stocking stuffer for Christmas, the recipient will NOT be disappointed. The box is exploding from all the amazing-ness!


Entering this giveaway (along with the other #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas giveaways) is easy-peasy! Simply use the Rafflecopter widget listed below on the giveaway blog post and cross your fingers. Some entries are available daily so I'd HIGHLY recommend entering early and often. (Shoot, I would even go as far as suggesting you set an alarm to remind you to come back to this page every 24 hours so you can take advantage of as many entries as possible!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Now, the nitty gritty details... All entries are verified, so please make sure to do whatever the required action for the entry is or it will be disqualified. I would hate for you to miss out on winning due to a technicality, so if you are going to click the option, make sure you do whatever it asks or a new, random winner will be selected in your place.

Also, this giveaway will last seven days, with the winner being picked (and notified) on the eighth day. The winner will have 24 hours to reply to the congratulations email from me to claim their prize. That means, for this giveaway, it will end on December 7th at 11:59pm PST and the ONE winner will be chosen on December 8th.

And, finally, the winner must have a US mailing address. International shipping seems to cost an arm and a leg these days, and customs is a major headache, so to make it easier (and cheaper) on the brands who have offered up their products, the winners must live in United States of America (or at least have an address we can ship to within the US).

With that said, BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERS! And don't forget to stop back tomorrow to see what is up next in my #12DaysOfCarleesChristmas (I promise you do NOT want to miss out on any of these giveaways!)!

PS Just in case you aren't the lucky winner, you can use code "CARLEESCHRISTMAS" for 15% off through 12/31 (because EVERYONE is a WINNER in my book)! So go get your shop on and save a few dollars in the process!


becca ( said...

Haven't had the opportunity to try out a subscription box yet but would love to!!

Unknown said...

I had a subscription box a few years ago and loved it. I canceled it only because "adulting" happens but I really want to get on board with a new one for 2017! <3

ShanB said...

I have tried snack boxes but not a subscription box geared towards runners, love the holiday flavored snacks.

Jessica Bronkema said...

I have never tried a subscription box yet.. but would love to as I get back into training after having a baby!

Leah said...

I've been super hesitant to try RunnerBox.. I did LootCrate for a while and it was always full of stuff I didn't want or need. However this holiday edition looks wonderful! Or should I say... runderful.

Fritz said...

15 days of Christmas looks like it is going to be fun! With lots of great gifts! I have never done a subscription box, but I think it would be fun to try some new products.

Fritz said...

15 days of Christmas looks like it is going to be fun! With lots of great gifts! I have never done a subscription box, but I think it would be fun to try some new products.

Jennifer said...

I tried Birchbox for awhile, when I was trying to like make up. It didn't stick.

Stephanie said...

I haven't tried a box subscription, but I've wanted to!

Meg said...

Yes I have! I've tried a couple, but so far nothing has stuck!

Natalie said...

I have actually tried this subscription box before. It has been over a year since I stopped getting their box and would love to try it again especially a holiday themed box.

Kristina Youn Scherrer said...

I've never tried this subscription box but you can't beat all those items! Very cool! ❤ they had me at gingerbread!

Unknown said...

I've never had a subscription box before. This looks like it would be a great one to have!

AdultingForBeginners said...

Ohhh this is so interesting!! Never had a runner box before ��

Caitlin said...

Love this idea!

Amy Lauren Scott said...

I do! I have a stridebox subscription!

Amy Lauren

KimJ said...

Nope, I've never tried a subscription box before. Hoping to now. ;)

Rhett said...

I did Stridebox for a few months and really enjoyed it. Had enough samples to last for a while, so I let my subscription lapse at the time. Would like to do it again someday soon.

Unknown said...

I haven't tried a subscription box yet but I've wanted to. I'm afraid they could be very addicting!! ;->

Eli said...

Sounds awesome! :))

AngelWinner said...

No, I have never tried one before.

KookyRunner said...

I tried BuLu Box a while back but honestly it wasn't my favorite. I think this subscripion box would be cool because it's specifically geared toward runners.

Michelle said...

I would love to try this! Seems awesome!

Unknown said...

never tried one

Unknown said...

Yes. I have tried boxes before, but not this one!

Chasity said...

I've had a box one time it was pretty awesome!!! Loved trying the stuff in it I normally wouldn't have.

Misti said...

I've tried snack box before

Jessica M said...

I haven't tried one yet but I'm interested.

Rachel Hagan said...

I love my RunnerBox subscription! It's such a fun little surprise opening it up and finding what's inside.

Anonymous said...

I have tried a StideBox before and it was really fun!!

Duchess said...

I've never tried a subscription box type thing before...intrigued though!

Smash Runner said...

Yay! I love it! Your blog is looooking beautimus! I love christmas and I love runner boxes! sooooo heres hoping i win!!!!!!

Nicole said...

I haven't had a chance to try a runner subscription box. I love all the options in this box though!

Unknown said...

How fun! What's better than combining Christmas and running too?!?

Jennifer said...

Yes I have subscribed to a subscription box. I loved it.

Unknown said...

I would love to try a subscription box! Sounds so fun!

Jay said...

I have flirted with them, tried them here and there, but never a runner one!

JD said...

Never subscribed before and have been interested. I would love the chance try it out! Thanks for putting this together!

Unknown said...

I had runnerbox for a while a few years ago. It was awesome, but had to cancel just to cut back on some expenses. I'd love to pick it back up again sometime!

Tracieg803 said...

Yes I love subscription boxes!!!!

Cailyn said...

I've always wanted to try the Runnerbox!

ivieanne said...

I've never tried one, but have always wanted to (but didn't want to spend the money on it)

Danielle said...

I was interested in boxes, but didn't want any automatic subscriptions so never looked at them, but happy to now know they offer one time/gift boxes

Heather said...

I've tried other Subscription boxes but never RunnerBox! Would love to try it out.

Liz Mitchell said...

I've been 👀 This subscription box for a while now. Fingers crossed!

Kayley said...

Yes, I have! I actually run, a subscription box review site.

Erica @ Erica Finds said...

I've tried #alltheboxes! Love Runnerbox!! :) Thanks for linking up!

Stacey Niedzwiecki said...

I've never gotten to try a subscription box, but I think it would be so much fun. And you get to try lots of new products!

Ashley Montgomery said...

Haven't tried this box but I do love a good subscription box! Always looking to broaden my running horizons :]

Tara said...

I haven't ordered a subscription box yet but I'm DYING to try one!

Unknown said...

I mean, if Stitch Fix counts, yes, I've done a subscription box before - but never a run related one!

Mark Posey said...

I have never used a subscription box before. This sounds interesting.

Laura Donnatella said...

This is SO exciting!

Stephanie said...

I haven't but would like to try!

Cassandra @ Powered By BLING said...

Pick me, pick me! I have to try that Gingerbread Clif Bar. YUM! I haven't done any subscription box services yet, but with a house full of runners this might be the one to try.

Unknown said...

I used to do stridebox a long time ago. Also one of the makeup ones, I can't remember the name. I still have tons of samples from the makeup one!

Margaret said...

I used to love subscription boxes, but had to cancel because my budget didn't appreciate them as much as I did...ahh, adulting.

Unknown said...

Awesome! :)

KV H said...

I haven't tried a subscription box before.

Mrs. D said...

I used to do two beauty boxes, but I ended up with more products than I could use! haha

Anonymous said...

I once received a BarkBox for my boys and they LOVED it. Will definitely be subscribing to it in the near future.

Brandon Smith said...

I haven't tried a subscription box before. Maybe, this could be the first!

Elizabeth said...

I used to be a total subscription box junkie! My favorite was Klutch, a health and fitness box that included both workout stuff (e.g. DVDs, streaming services) and nutrition products. Sadly they went out of business.

Cara said...

I've tried snack boxes, but never a runner subscription box. I've been considering signing up for this one as a gift and for myself for awhile now though!

Sally said...

I've never received a subscription box before, and I can't think of a better one to start with! Yay for all things "running"!

Jessica said...

Carlee you are awesome! I didn't win anything last year, but I ended up going out and buying a few things just having seen them in your givaway, and I LOVED them! Made a few nice gifts too. Thanks for doing this again!

Marisol said...

Stridebox is one I am subscribed too and love it!

Renee (Runnergirl1612) said...

I have never tried a subscription box before.

Knoxie13 said...

I've tried a few subscription boxes but I find that they end up stacking up and becoming pricey!

Andrew said...

I briefly subscribed to a snack box earlier this year, but wasn't impressed with the quality of snacks and thought the cost was too high. I'd love to to try the Tri box!

Rosa said...

I haven't, but I would love to try one!

Tami said...

I've tried stride box. Really liked it!

Unknown said...

I have never tried a run box but it looks fun and festive!

FireRunner2379 said...

I've won a couple of boxes in the past and always liked the contents. Its fun to get a variety of items to try!

Adventures of Tri Barbie said...

I have not but i would love to!

Chelsea B. said...

I have never heard of this box!. I started following you this past summer. It is always a little fun party of my day :)

Unknown said...

I need that Clif bar!!!

Unknown said...

No I haven't

Unknown said...

This looks awesome!!

Unknown said...

No i haven't! but i would love to!

Anonymous said...

I've never bought a subscription box but I have been eyeing the runnerbox for awhile now.

caroline said...

No, but I'd like to!

Unknown said...

I have never done a subscription box.

Christy said...

I've never tried a subscription box, although I did do Cupcake of the Month club for awhile. lol It was so good.

Unknown said...

Yes! I have tried several subscription boxes. I love the suprise each month!

Giant Sis said...

I have NOT tried a subscription box yet but am certainly considering it! (liz n)

myork said...

I've been tempted to try a subscription box but haven't yet!

Sun said...

I've tried a few subscription boxes - it's a great way to discover and test out new products!

Jen said...

I haven't ever signed up for a subscription box but I've seen a lot of them that would be fun to get.

Unknown said...

I used a different subscription service in the past, This one looks Yummy

selby shlosberg said...

i have a subscription box addition and love to run, this box is incredibly tempting.

Unknown said...

I haven't ever bought a subscription to any types of boxes but this is incredibly tempting!

John @ run. geek. run(disney) said...

I've gotten RunnerBox before as a gift and it was fantastic. I wish my budget had some wiggle room to get it all the time. It's great.

AER-Runs said...

I've never tried a subscription box before, but I've been tempted many times! I love the idea of getting products to my door instead of hunting things down to try myself!

katy_dyer said...

I've never had a subscription box. This one looks fun!

Unknown said...

Yay for Day 1 or 12 days!! Thanks for doing this!

Jo Ann said...

I subscribed to Birchbox and love it! Thank you for doing this!

Unknown said...

I haven't tried this one yet but have been considering it for a while now! Novembers box looked awesome!!

Krysta Jensen said...

I've never tried any subscription boxes! So want to though.

blew415 said...

Yep, this one. But I cancelled and only get the birthday boxes now

Unknown said...

What a great subscription! Adding to my Christmas list!

sarah n said...

I've never tried a subscription box before. Most of them just don't seem worth it to me but this box is something I could get excited about.

redaussie3 said...

I haven't tried a subscription box yet but the runner box and the bark box would be fun!

Unknown said...

Didn't know these type of boxes were out there! Thanks for sharing!

Angela said...

I haven't tried a running box

Molly S said...

I have never tried a subscription box. Most of them are pretty spendy!!

Daisy said...

I've never had a subscription box of any type and this looks interesting. Today included a bad run and much's something to remind me that running can be fun! Thanks!

Rachel said...

I have tried a snack box but never any others. Would love to try this one!!

Jen said...

I tried runnercrate

Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete said...

Wowwwwwwwww, momma! I would love to try that! I've had a beauty box of some sort, years ago.

Marcheta M said...

I never do the box subscriptions because they cost so much. This one seems super affordable with some great stuff!!

renata said...

No I haven't tried box subscriptions and this one sounds like fun with lots of healthy treats!

Kylee King said...

I haven't tried a subscription box but would love to see what's all about!

Unknown said...

Always wanted one of these! Here's hoping!

livinglovingrunner said...

I love these sample boxes 😀😀

Barb said...

I have tried some of the boxes before and I really liked it. It was like opening up Christmas boxes when it came. This box looks great and thanks for all the new ones!

Jolene Meyer said...

Stitch Fix! I would love to try this one though.

latanya t said...

yes, I have

Kaylabee said...

I've been gifted a subscription box. My mom got me the Fab Fit Fun box, which was cool. I've also tried Blue Apron and Hello Fresh. But generally, they are too high priced for my liking. But Lord knows, I love trying new things!!

Unknown said...

I have never tried a subscription box!

Terra Heck said...

I've tried the Home Chef and the Squix subscription box services. Thanks.

Kristin said...

Yes I have..I tried the tri box

Jenny said...

I have tried a few, but not anything running specific! So neat!

JESSI said...

I tried graze but didn't really love it.

Kristen M. said...

I have not ever tried a subscription box. My teenage son recently became interested in running with me. I'm on the lookout for fun items to show him that running (and the running community) is fun!

Heather Runs 13.1 said...

Yes - I've enjoy NatureBox snacks which I get every other month. Would love a running themed subscription box.

Unknown said...

Yes, I have. I tried Try the World for a bit.

Diana B said...

I've tried birchbox

Brittany said...

I have never tried a subscription box before, but I've always been tempted to try various ones! Especially a running one!

Alicia said...

I have Book of the Month because I am also a big reader. I have used Bark Box as well and liked it a lot but then we had too many dog toys!

Kelley Hohl said...

I haven't tried a subscription box yet, but would love to!

Unknown said...

I put this on my Xmas list

Unknown said...

This is very cool! I've never gotten a subscription box, but this one sounds pretty great.

Mommarunsthecape said...

I have never tried the subscription boxes before, but there are a lot that I'd like to try.

Unknown said...

I haven't ever used a subscription box service, and frankly, had not heard of this - thanks for sharing the word!

Angela Saver said...

have never done a subscription box, but I would love to! It looks like a great way to try out some new items!!

Melinda said...

YES! But I haven't tried a running-focused one yet. Definitely on my Xmas list

Anonymous said...

just recently i got my first subscription box && i love it!! its called a chronicAlly box && it is full of all this us spoonies could need to make our lives just a little bit easier.

Breanne said...

No, I haven't

Juliana said...

I have tried a subscripton box fo rsomething else but I rarely used the products so I dropped it

Julie said...

no I have not tried one before. I have been curious about them

Alisha said...

Never heard of runnerbox but I've gifted other types of monthly subscriptions before and the recipients always love them!

Rebecca Y said...

I haven't tried a subscription box, but this one looks great and I'd be thrilled to get this at my door!

Nicolasa said...

Yes I have tried a subscription box they are so fun to get in the mail! I've never tried this particular box and I'm looking forward to checking it out

Unknown said...

I have not tried a subscription box yet. I'm a little hesitant because who knows what you're going to get?!

Barb said...

I cannot find any of your social icon buttons in order to follow you on instagram or pinterest for entries.

Edye Nicole said...

No, I've never tried one before.


Kristina Xoxtinao said...

Never tried a subscription running box... only barkbox which I loved :) 

Ken C said...

I tried the funko pop Smugglers Bounty but no runners boxes yet

Vanessa Junkin said...

I haven't tried a subscription box, but I have been thinking about it and it seems like it would be really fun to get in the mail! said...

I've had a couple subscription boxes before! I love them!

MollyKingsley said...

I have not tried a subscription box yet, but I have considered a few!

Sadie said...

I have tried a few subscription boxes. Most are really fun and a great value.
Sadie B.

DisRunnerK said...

Haven't tried a subscription box of any kind, but would be more likely to do so if I could have some level of input on what I might receive (e.g., picking certain categories of items I'd be interested in receiving).

Amber Ludwig said...

I haven't!! The money just isnt there :( I do love them though!! So many goodies in such a fun "gift" like box!! Tons of surprises!! Too fun!

Emily said...

Never tried one, but so would love to, especially a running related one!

Unknown said...

Yes, I love subscription boxes. They are lots of fun!

Cassie said...

I've never tried the subscription boxes. I've always wanted to, but cringe at spending that much $ on something that I'm not 100% sure I'll like when I'm getting.

Sarah said...

I got one as a Christmas gift and LOVED it!!

Running With The Girls said...

I have not! I've always wanted to!

fancy nancy said...

I've tried Bulu box before but this one looks fab!!

dd said...

I tried the Love With Food's October Deluxe box which featured a Halloween theme.

Shannon O. said...

I haven't tried a subcription box yet.

Julie said...

I've tried subscription boxes, but not one that is geared towards athletes!

Beth W. said...

I've tried a few beauty subscription boxes but never a running one!

Sarah Vick said...

Never done any thing. Auto renew scares me!

Liz Mitchell said...

I want to win this! Subscription boxes are so fun especially one about my favorite activity (running)!

tweetyscute said...

I use to subscribe to popsugar and really liked it

Nichole Huapaya said...

Never tried a subscription box, but I love getting goodies in the mail!

Ramona S said...

I use to get Stridebox a few years ago.

Unknown said...

I used to get Birchbox....but never a running centered box. It's been on my to-do list for ever now. It would be so amazing to win!

Andrew said...

Oh, I love Pro Compression -- applied for the 2017 ambassador team!

nickieisis3 said...

No I have not, but would like to

Latsyrc728 said...

I have two makeup subscription boxes: Ipsy and Sephora Play. I have never tried this one.

Julie said...

I've never tried a subscription box before except when I got some scrapbook stuff once a month for a few months. I love the idea of a Runner Box!

Katie said...

I haven't tried a subscription box. Maybe someday when I'm not Broke ;)

Mary Crosson said...

I've tried out subscription boxes for the kids (Little Passports, Kawaii Box) but never for myself.

Unknown said...

I'd love to try this!

vicki said...

I have never tried a subscription box... but this one looks interesting!

The Fit Fork said...

Ive tried a few like popsugar must have box, a yoga box, an healthy snack box (I've forgotten the names!)

Secluded Brumus said...

I have subscribed to Stridebox in the past.

Miranda K said...

I haven't tried a subscription box yet. I'm always feel like I'm going to get a box full of stuff I won't use. I would like to try one though.