Sunday, June 9, 2024

Workout Recap - Week 23

Sunday, June 2nd  3 mile run with the hubby 

Monday, June 3rd –  60 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, June 4th –  4 mile run

Wednesday, June 5th – Rest Day

Thursday, June 6th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike

Friday, June 7th  Rest Day

Saturday, June 8th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike

Well, um, this week wasn't my best. I was originally going to do a HIIT workout on Wednesday, which I just didn't feel like doing, so skipped it. Then I was planning on doing a long run Friday morning since I had the day off (I worked 11 days in a row because I was covering for one of my employees since he was out of town for a race), but, again, I just didn't feel like it. Saturday I went to actually get in a 10-12 mile run, but my stomach wasn't having it, so ran 2 miles and then jumped on the bike to at least get in a sweat... Here's to moving on from these seven days and having a much better one next week.

How were your workouts this past week?


Fitness Challenge said...

Great job on completing Week 23! It's impressive to see your progress and dedication. I especially liked how you highlighted the adjustments you made to your routine and the results you've achieved. Keep up the fantastic work and continue pushing those limits! Fitbit Challenges

I love Aussie said...

Great recap of Week 23's workouts! It's inspiring to see how the progress has been stacking up. I particularly enjoyed the breakdown of the new exercises added to the routine. It’s motivating to see different approaches to overcoming plateaus and keeping the workouts fresh. Thanks for the detailed insights and tips—looking forward to applying some of these strategies to my own routine! top gyms in melbourne