Sunday, December 24, 2023

Workout Recap - Week 51

Sunday, December 17th  Rest Day

Monday, December 18th – Rest Day

Tuesday, December 19th – Rest Day

Wednesday, December 20th – Rest Day

Thursday, December 21st – 3 mile Christmas Light run with the hubby and dad (our new weekly tradition in December)

Friday, December 22nd  Rest Day

Saturday, December 23rd – 3 miles with the hubby 

My parents were in town this week for the holidays, so the hubby and I were able to talk my daddy-o into joining us on our Christmas Light run. The hubby and I also got in a run down in San Diego after dropping my padres at the airport. Alrighty, I'm thinking this will be my last week of laxed running/ workouts. I'm going to do my bestest to try and get back into a routine (whether I'd rather be sleeping or not) and see if I can retrain my body to get on board. Don't worry, I will still listen to my body, but sometimes you also need to push through the "don't want to's". HERE WE GO! WE GOT THIS!

How were your workouts this past week?

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