Sunday, October 15, 2023

Workout Recap - Week 41

Sunday, October 8th 4 mile run with the hubby

Monday, October 9th – 45 minutes on the stationary bike

Tuesday, October 10th –  3 mile run 

Wednesday, October 11th – 4 mile run

Thursday, October 12th – 2 mile run

Friday, October 13th  Rest Day

Saturday, October 14th – Rest Day

The taper is in full effect! All of the runs this week were mostly to keep the legs loose and my mind not swirling into a downward spiral - #TaperMadness. As we know, with the schedule we have for our trip to Michigan, this marathon will NOT be a world record, but I do hope the body holds up and I have a fun time. Here goes nothing (well, let's be real, this will be the 31st time I've done this [marathon distance specifically], so it's not like it's my first rodeo or anything like that ;)).

How were your workouts this past week?

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