Sunday, August 20th – 60 minutes on the stationary bike
Monday, August 21st – Rest Day
Tuesday, August 22nd – 4 mile run
Wednesday, August 23rd – 9 mile run
Thursday, August 24th – 4 mile run
Friday, August 25th – 8 mile run
Saturday, August 26th – Rest Day
This week was rather odd. If you remember last week, we were hit with Hurricane Hilary (it was downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it made it to us) so I had to swap around my long run (normally done on Sunday, but I wanted to get it done before the weather rolled in) and then biked on Sunday while we were "stuck indoors" ;) I also did my Thursday and Friday runs at strange times (for me). TMI but I am on my period this week and my cramps are pretty terrible and my sleep has been craptastic, so I was drained when I got up in the mornings. Thursday I ended up being able to run on my lunch break (although I showered after my run, I was still sweating when I got back to work - ha) and Friday I ran after work... I prefer running in the mornings, but sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do and fit it in where and when you can.
How were your workouts this past week?
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