Monday, November 11, 2013

Dating ABCs: E

Ryan and I weren't sure what to do for letter E. We were thinking we could do a blanket city, like Escondido or Encinitas, but didn't necessarily like that idea. Then I remembered the last time we went to Lake Hodges that we passed Elfin Forest. PERFECT!

Don't worry, we didn't see any mountain lions!

Ry really wanted to bring the doggy, but I wasn't too sure, since we hadn't hiked the trails before and because it was still sort of warm.

As you can see in some of the pictures, he got stuck on puppy patrol, since he was the one that "invited" him along to begin with :)


After about 5 miles, puppy was spent and slowing down, so Ry had to give him a couple lifts

Shadow shot

The trails were great. A lot of zig-zagging switch backs. A decent incline (I think we started around 500 feet above sea-level and ended close to 1300 feet above sea-level). Well maintained. Great views!

There was even a 'creek crossing' on one of the trails

In the end we did about 6-7 miles (and although Ryan carried Walt for a couple of the up-hills at the end, he did most of it by himself). And Ryan did them all in 'surf' shoes (he REALLY needs to invest in some walking/ trail shoes!)

All-in-all it was a EXCELLENT E Date!! We got active, enjoyed God's creation, spent time together, and focused on one another!

Tried for a 'family' shot, but Walt wasn't cooperating

I think I need longer arms to get us all in the picture

Just in case you have missed some of the recent Dating ABC Posts, make sure to check them out:

Now on to F!

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