Sunday, April 29, 2012


Ry and I went over to see Sam at American Tattoo on Friday. I wanted to get a 'Smitten With The Mitten' tattoo and Ryan wanted another more traditional piece. [The pictures aren't the best, since they are just quick shots from Ryan's phone right after they were done, but we are super pumped with how they turned out, so why not share them :) ]

I got an outline of the state of Michigan, with a heart by my hometown and a banner that says 'Smitten'.

This was the inspiration behind the placement (originally I wanted it on my shoulder blade, but liked the inner arm better when I came across the picture)

Ryan actually got one of his old tattoos (an outline of a star) reworked into a compass with a ship wheel around it.

The before shot

The outline

With color (the following morning)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The City

Kevin is AMAZING!! I can't wait to head up to Santa Cruz and see him perform live :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pentatonix do Gotye

Ryan likes this song and I like Pentatonix. Can you believe this is just 5 VOICES?! AMAZING!!

Thankful Thursday

Fun Text Messages [My hubby sent me some pretty sweet pictures the last two days to brighten my days at work :) ]

AWESOME RUNS [Yesterday I ran an AMAZING 6 miles - I know, I know, sounds crazy, but I ran it in 58:15 which was insanely fast for me and it felt GREAT. I think I had a smile plastered on my face for at least the last 2 miles when I realized how great I was doing :) ]

Vacation [We finally booked a vacation this past weekend. We will be heading to Hawaii in May for a week - YAY! We realized that this is the first vacation that we will be going on by ourselves that we have paid for SINCE OUR HONEYMOON! So of course we have to splurge a little, right?!]

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Carhartt "All Hands On Detroit"

Watching videos like this make me think about packing up and moving back...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Color Me Rad 5k

Okay, so it might not be a legit 5k (with medals, timers, etc), but it sure does look fun, doesn't it?! Who is with me?!


Yesterday on my way home from running I saw a couple scooters and realized that I really missed mine. Then it got me thinking, if I won the lotto and had lot of money to blow, what sort of things would I want. I came up with a short list of ideas - mostly transportation.

Hot Pink Buddy Scooter

A Vintage Mustang

VW Bus

And never to have to work again :)

What do you think you would want?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Another installment of Thankful Thursdays... 3 things that I am thankful for today...

Running [Ryan has surfing, his motorcycle, etc, and I think that running can really be my 'thing'. Not to mention I did my first 6 miler yesterday outside - and it felt great.]

Rainbow Sherbet [When we went grocery shopping this weekend Ryan got some Cookies and Cream Ice Cream and I got some Rainbow Sherbet. I have had a mug full the last two nights and it is YUMMY.]

Fairies [they haven't been around our feeder much the last couple weeks, but when they are around I could watch them for hours]

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

ReUseIt.Com Coupon

Details: Enter coupon code SAVE10APR during checkout. Subtotal must be $50 or more. If item(s) are returned, cancelled or exchanged and it brings your merchandise total below $50, $10 will be deducted from your refund. Expires Monday April, 23, 2012 at midnight CST. Cannot be applied to past orders or combined with other coupons. Valid only on in-stock items. Online orders only.

1 Year Anniversary

Come join the fun! Menchie's Paseo Carlsbad is celebrating it's one-year anniversary this Saturday, April 21! Highlights include FREE YOGURT, face painting, color-in t-shirts, and much much more! We hope to see our fans there! :)

**I highly doubt I will need to twist Ryan's arm to have him go get free frozen yogurt on Saturday at Menchie's**

The New Buena Vista Street

Imagineers are busy putting the final touches on Buena Vista Street at Disney California Adventure park. This busy California street will take you back to 1923, when Walt Disney first arrived in California. Part of the décor includes colorful murals made of tiles that create a story, while also reflecting the architecture and the Spanish influence in California during the 1920s. Read more at the Disney Parks Blog:

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Shoes

Ryan and I went over to the Running Center on Saturday to get me some new shoes. I tried on about 5 pairs (I think all of the 'neutral' shoes that they had) and ended up getting a pair of Asics. They are the ASICS GEL-Cumulus® 13 Women's Running Shoes. Not only do they feel great, but they have bright pink on them :) [I might even look for some fun, bright laces to add to them] I am excited to start getting them into the rotation. Hoping that even if I can't fully change my running form, at least the new shoes will help my knees and such.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Three things that I am THANKFUL for today...

Growth Group starts up tonight [man, I have missed my friends, prayer warriors and accountability partners]

Foam rolling [Ry and I got a foam roller last week and although it is slightly painful, it hurts so good :) ]

Stanley Cup PlayOffs [even though we are one game down in the series, I think we WILL DO IT]

Unicorn Horn

This afternoon I had to go in for minor surgery. I have had two cysts on my head for probably 12 years now. Lately Ryan has mentioned that he thinks they are growing and I should have them checked out. Normally I avoid doctors at all costs, but because I know Ryan's worry-wart (get the pun?!) ways, I went made an appointment. I went in to my doctor last week and she referred me in for minor surgery to have them removed. They were pilar cysts - which I guess 90% of cases are on the scalp. They are just growths, nothing to worry about, but since they were a decent size she thought I should have them taken care of.

The procedure was pretty quick - I think about 20 minutes total. They used local anesthesia to numb my head (but I surely felt the 'numbing' shot and some of the work). The doctor was able to cut both of them out and then stitch me up. The stitches will dissolve on their own, so thankfully I won't have to go in to have them removed. It has been about 2 and a half hours since the procedure and it is starting to be uncomfortable. It isn't like I have a pounding headache, just tight on my head. [Oh yeah, and if you know me and my 'hard skin' issues, I may have a slight problem with letting the scabs heal...]

By the way, in case you are confused on the title of the post, we call the bumps (one was larger and towards the middle of the front of my head and one was smaller towards the middle of the top of my head) my unicorn horns. I know, unicorns only have one horn, but the big one in front on my head is really the only one anyone ever notices.

Throw Your Wings Up

Form Drills

Yesterday my boss came in for a staff meeting - okay, that sounds too formal, let me try again. Yesterday my boss walked into our office so that I could ask him a few questions (much better) and my running came up. I told him that I needed new shoes and my knees were hurting. He told me my knees should never hurt. (He runs marathons, triathlons, etc, so he is a very experienced running that I do trust his input). He told me that I was probably running wrong - running on my heels (lazy running), rather than on my toes. If you run on your toes the shock of the impact is not absorbed in your knees, but in your feet. He asked me if I was planning on running after work, which I told him I was, but since my knees had been hurting I was planning on running on the elliptical. He asked me if I would run with him on the beach so that he could see how I ran, give me some pointers, etc.

After work we headed down to the beach, barefoot and ready to make a fool of myself. This may give you a clue of what was going on in my head. He asked me if I ever noticed anyone else's running form, to which replied "No, I always just think ""They are out here doing it - WAY TO GO FOR THEM"". " Which was NOT the answer he was looking for (I mean he likes my encouraging ways at work, keeping his sales team motivated, but would prefer I watch my own running technique a little more :).

He had me doing running form drills - things like high knees, kick butts (yes, I know, it is supposed to be the other way around but I like it better), skips, bounds, sideways running, backwards running, etc. We also did sprints, lunges and squats. He said that my form seemed alright, but I needed to switch to my toes. He thinks that I will be able to switch before my race in September (I am a little unsure, only because changing how I run is going to be a lot hard than I expected).

I was looking for some examples of running form drills on Youtube and came across this video. Not only does it go over most of the drills that we did, BUT I USED TO WATCH THIS KID RUN CROSS COUNTRY IN HIGH SCHOOL! HOW FUNNY!

Anyway, so I think I will try and do form drills on Saturdays at a local park (maybe I can even talk Ryan into trying them with me, that way we look like fools together) on top of my normal running (2 short days and 1 long). I know that changing my running style may be like starting totally over again (I have no idea if I will be able to keep with 3 miles on my short days and 5 on my longer ones), but hopefully it will pay off in the long run :) [haha, get the pun]

PS And my knees don't hurt... Am I sore? HECK YEAH. But at least my joints aren't feeling as tore up :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Want Stanley

Playoff Beards

No Shoes

Today I went ONE DAY WITHOUT SHOES to stand united with TOMS. This is my 4th year doing this (I think). Not too many people asked me about it this year though, probably because we work about a block from the beach (so they are used to people walking the streets without shoes) and because I don't wear shoes in the office normally. I did have to use the public restroom numerous times, walk over to the UPS store to drop off some packages, etc all with nothing protecting my feet. The reason is to spread awareness and to feel yourself what it is like to be like one of the millions of people in the world that does not have shoes, even if for just one day.

One Day Without Shoes

We know that so many people have needs of all kinds today, at home and abroad, whether they are related to the economy, family or friends, health or well-being. Regardless of your cause or your passion, we hope that One Day Without Shoes inspires you to think about the world in a different way, and to believe that even one off-beat idea can bring people together to create something positive.

The rest of the article here.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Good stinkin'

Ry and I were video chatting with my parents yesterday. We were chatting about my running and recent aches. My mom mentioned that I should go back to the elliptical for a while, so that my joints can heal up - since it is low impact (as opposed to the asphalt and sidewalk that I run on outside. I never even thought of that. I know it may seem silly, but running on the elliptical again never entered my mind. I guess once I started running outside, in my head, I thought that I was actually starting to train (I don't know why I thought that the 2-3 months worth of gym running wasn't ""training"" all of a sudden). So tonight after work I hit up the gym and put in a good 7 miles on the elliptical. Of course, I know running outside is much different that running inside, but at least I will keep up my endurance while I give my knees and ankles a little time to heal (and time to get me to the Running Center to get new shoes). So THANKS MADRE for reminding me that running and training doesn't always have to be outside.

So, in the words of Dory:

PostSecret TED Talk

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Ryan has a BILLBOARD in Encinitas!! No, he isn't on the billboard, but he designed it! HOW AWESOME!! We were in Encinitas this morning for brunch with some friends, so we had to stop and grab some pictures :)

Next time you see Ry, feel free to ask for an autograph :) I am sure he won't charge more than $20!

Real "Notebook"

Couple Married 70 Years, Leeland Widga and Agnes Widga, Share Marriage Secrets

What's the secret to 70 years of marriage?

Love and commitment, according to Minneapolis couple Leeland and Agnes Widga, who have been married for seven decades.

Despite the fact that his wife suffers from Alzheimer's disease, 92-year-old Leeland is staying positive. Every day, for hours on end, the couple sits together, listening to old tunes and holding hands.

“We took a vow, in sickness and in health, be together -- and we just maintained that,” Leeland told CBS Minnesota.

The couple married in 1942 after meeting at a school where they were both teachers. Aside from an 11-month break during World War II, the couple has spent their entire marriage side-by-side.

The rest of the article here.

Comeback Kids :)

Cobra ties it, Avila wins it, HAPPY EASTER TIGERS!

Painting Pots

We missed the Easter Bunny, but we still hit up Clay 'N Latte last night after church. Ryan decided to paint a gnome that he names Thadius (the red-headed, non-ginger gnome) and I painted a small box. We won't pick up the pieces till the end of this week, but we took plenty of pictures of the process. [Also, we did win a $5 gift certificate and a free studio fee for next time :) ]