Today we went up to
Julian to 'mine for gold'. Aaron had looked up a little adventure for us and we all went to check it out. We went to the
Smith Ranch to mine for gold and take a train ride. It wasn't exactly what we were expecting, not to mention it was REALLY cold with the 30 mph winds. As always, we made the most of it (and took lots of pictures along the way).
Jamie and I bundled on the train ride to the mine:

Maybe I should have worn more than jeans, a tshirt, and a hoodie (thankfully they had blankets for the train ride):

The train (that is Char Star with her hand in the air):

Me and the Leighs ready for the mine:

Eric and the axe:

Miner Ryan and Miner Carlee:

Eric was prepared with his candle for the dark mine:

Aunt Carlee and Matthew rode in the miners cart :) into the mine:

Ryan and Eric mining:

On a steer:

Eric and Ryan having a pumping contest (yep, Eric won by about a half a bucket):

Uncle Ryan and Mr. Matthew: